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Boutros The Orc

A member registered Jan 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi, I’ve had this issue before with other bundles and it was able to be fixed.

When I purchased the comics for gaza bundle all the comics showed up in my owned games automatically instead of needing to be downloaded before showing as being in my library.

Could this be fixed so that I can better curate my library.

Hello, I have several physical games and currently, there is no way to sort them on the website and they only appear in order of most recently added.

On the macOS app, they also have the ability to sort alphabetically.

This makes finding games difficult unless I know exactly what I am already looking for within my library. Even then my only option is usually to load my whole library and then hit cmd+S online or sorting alphabetically in the app and scrolling in order to search for the title I want.

There need to be some more robust sorting options for both the website library and the app library as well as some rudimentary search features in order to find items within your library.

Specifically being able to sort by creator would be massively helpful but I am sure others could come up with even more useful sorting methods.

I purchased the bundle for reproductive rights expecting it to function the same as all the other bundles I have purchased and allow me to claim and add games to my library individually, but then it added all of them and I need to know how to remove them so that I can go through and select the ones I want to keep.

Thank you for your assistance.

IS there any place like a wretched discord that people who want to continue developing games in the wretched system, or who want to finish games tey started in the jam, can meet together to discuss progress and ideas for future development, or is commenting on this board still the best place to discuss things?

So I haven’t even finished my first game due to just getting done with work for the year, but since the jam has extended I actually have two more ideas that I want to make as well

Returning to Lydd: The Palestinian writer Ghassan Kanafani wrote the story Returning To Haifa, which details the journey of a Palestinian mother who was forced to leaves her child behind during the Nakba where she and many Palestinians like her were ethnically cleansed the newly formed Israeli military and militant Jewish factions that went around committing massacres and terrorizing Palestinians, both of these groups eventually joined together to form the IDF. The story follows the mother as she is eventually able to return to Haifa after 19 years and desperately searches for her son, only to find him living in the same house that had been her house before the ethnic cleansing. A Jewish family lived there now and they had adopted her son and he was now a young man in the IDF.

The underlying theme of the story is that you can never go home again, not the home you remember at least because it doesn’t exist anymore.

Returning to lydd, named for my families home town in Palestine, is a story about returning to a place that should be your home and finding it to be completely alien to you.

The main mechanic will be the tumbling tower as you will be required to pull from it until it eventually collapsed symbolizing your absolute acceptance of loss and that the past will not return. Then you start to build it up again, symbolizing making a new home out of this now alien one.

Jinn Hunters: Name is a work in progress. I like it but I may want to use it for a different game. I was honestly inspired for this game by watching YUYU hakashu on Netflix these past few days haha.

The game takes place in a middle eastern fantasy setting, one of a series of different games with different mechanics I am wiring to fit into this setting. You are the main character, and you are dead. When you realize you are dead you are confronted by the angel of death, which for you is your Qareen, a jinn that has been paired with you since birth and has been acting as both the angel and the devil on hour shoulder depending on its mood.

The theme of the game will be centered on the choice to return to the living world or to pass on to the next one, all the while your Qareen is trying to influence your decision. When the game is finished if the tumbling tower is still standing then the player is presented with the option, push it over and head to Jannah, or leave it standing and awaken in the world again as a Jinn hunter.

This is really interesting I like it a lot.

This helps a lot thank you.

Hi everyone, so I am looking for some clarification on how to use the face cards and aces. I know exactly how I want to use the number cards as they are pretty obvious based on the SRD but not so much for the face cards and aces.

In the SRD it says that the tokens are placed on the ace of hearts, which leads me to believe that it starts playing out of the deck but then I am seeing others saying it does not. Does this mean that you can’t remove tokens until the ace of hearts is revealed?

The SRD also mentions bonuses that other aces can give but doesn’t give examples.

As for the face cards, there aren’t any examples of what to do, but I have seen others talk about their being specific consequences that happen with the kings of each suit? Does anyone have any examples of this?

tanks for any help in this.

I just got done reading and omg this just drips with longing and painful nostalgia. I love the feelings it evokes.

Still reading through everything but I just wanted to say that as someone who woke up from a dream in the middle of the night today and then immediately made an entire card game based on it I identify so much with the ADHD kid sentiment here.

Thank you. It is a rather sensitive topic though so I am hoping to get some other Palestinians and Jewish peoples other than just myself to look it over when it is finished.

Hi, I only just discovered that Game Jams have message boards and I wanted to comment here.

This is the first Game Jam I have officially entered, and I was drawn in by the hopeless aspect of the game’s themes.

I have one concept and it is based on a short story I wrote in 2016 about a potential possibility where all Palestinians and Jewish peoples are expelled from the earth on a colony ship due to the racism and bigotry of those in hegemonic powers after it was determined that we were no longer valuable as a tool to appeal to white Christian zionists. This is a very personal story to me as a Palestinian and extremely niche, and I don’t expect it to be incredibly popular.

Withered On The Vine: The game starts off with my short story where an unnamed Palestinian man and his Jewish friend Eli are accompanied by their grandchildren/greatgrandchildren to see the arboretum of the colony ship while the two old friends reflect on the circumstances that resulted in them being on the ship in the first place and how it could have been avoided, while the children talk avidly about the colony that the old men will never see. I thought about changing it so that the elderly Jewish man in the story was also nameless to allow more ambiguity between who is who in the short, but I named the character after my friend Eli and decided I wanted to leave it in.

The game begins with an explosion, a ship crashes into operations section of the colony ship and everyone on board rushes to civilian quarters, except for one of the two elderly friends, they are trapped inside the operations section and they need to be rescued, but the only one who knows to look for them is their other friend. This is where the game starts.

Create your character- you are an elderly Palestinian or Jewish person, male, female, or non-binary, between the ages of 65 and 90. You have been on this ship for the past 50 years. You had a job before you were on the ship that fits into one of 6 categories and you had a job since you got onto the ship that fits into one of 4 categories.

Create your friend- Your friend is an elderly Palestinian or Jewish person (the option you find;t choose for your character), male, female, or non-binary, between the ages of 65 and 90. They have been on the ship for the past 50 same as everyone else and they had a job before they were on the ship that fits into one of 6 categories and they had a job since they got onto the ship that fits into one of the 4 categories.

Record your first journal entry talking about the first time you and your friend met and then begin drawing cards.

The game plays out that you are trying to locate your friend while also trying to stop the actions of an agent sent by earth who is now trying to destroy the operation of the ship, while also trying to avoid being caught by the agent. I am not sure entirely how I want it to work but I am including a 52 card deck with two additional cards, the black, and red joker. The black joker represents your friend and the red joker represent the agent. If you pull the agent card without being prepared for them, with your friend as a team (you can only be prepared for them if one of you has one of the two job categories from before then ship that don’t exist from the time on the ship and having a discussion about your plan) the game is over as you will be overpowered and eliminated by them. If you pull the black joker without fulfilling the prerequisites, then you find that your friend has been taken out by the agent or one of his sabotages.

Odd-numbered cards in the deck represent problems that the agent is causing to the ship’s systems with each different suit corresponding to a category of jobs on the ship. When you pull a card you have to pull from the Jenga tower to represent the deteriorating condition of the ship unless you have experience in the job category from either before the ship or while you were on the ship. Even number cards count as your efforts to find a friend with you needing to pull two pairs before the black joker in order to save your friend. Each time you pull cards you have to choose whether you are searching for your friend, solving problems, or hiding. If you are searching for your friend you don’t get to offset ship damage with prior experience as you are focussed on your friend. If you are solving problems then you don’t get to keep any even-numbered cards you draw. If you choose to hide and the red joker is drawn you don’t get eliminated, but you also don’t get to solve problems that round or save even cards. I read above that there was the idea of using multiple oracle decks and I like the sound of that. I think I want to do that as well, but I have to puzzle out how to do that.

For the journaling aspect of the game, I want it to be audio recordings, basically, the friend who is searching is recalling the events of their friendship and recording it in case neither of them survives or incase only one of them survives. The friend that is searching is hoping that the friend they are searching for will be able to hear it eventually. The recordings act as a way to move the story along but can also benefit the player if they come across something that they couldn’t normally handle in the problems. The recording happens during the searching/problem-solving phase. During the problem-solving phase if the friend that is searching can recall an event similar to this in the two friends’ past then they can borrow their friend’s skills to solve one of those problems without pulling from the tower. If during the searching phase the friend that is searching can recall a moment that challenged or strengthened the two friends’ connection to one another then they can negate one of the problem cards.

The game ends when more than half the ship’s systems have been compromised and the colony is left to drift in space, when the friend that is searching is incapacitated by the agent, or when the two friends stop the agent together. The last possibility is extremely unlikely and also not a true win condition because unless the friends can make it seem like the agent succeeded then earth will just send another, so if one of the two friends do not have the second of the two categories of jobs not found on the ship in order to trick earth.

The point of this game is that surviving as marginalized stateless people is nearly impossible, but it is absolutely impossible if you think that you can do it alone and that the greatest allies for the Palestinian and Jewish people are each other. It is a very heavy game topic especially considering it deals with issues of genocide and ethnic cleansing, but it is one I want to tell as a Palestinian.