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A member registered Sep 10, 2019

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Superb writing. Some of the grammer issues confused me from time to time, along with minor typos, but the most important thing you nailed: Character interaction. In the first few minutes of playing this game, I expected some pretty generic stuff and was just gonna skip through it straight to the porn. But the interaction with Maria and the reaction to the Fist of the North Star chicken was superb. I cackled like a madman when Elizabeth and the Protagonist were about to kiss and defaulted to the OK hand gesture when caught, but Ari's reaction played off of it perfectly, not trying overly hard to convince me its funny, but instead letting the joke itself do the work rather than the explanation. Thats just the opening sequence to boot. Long story short, you made exploring every dialogue option a treat, and that significantly increased the time I sunk into the game as well as how much I enjoyed it. Hope the feedback helps, and keep up the good work!

Option to kill Azumi or we riot

(1 edit)

No worries my guy. A lot of games like this have better animations, but lack in spacing between encounters, making the game feel unrewarding for throwing everything at you, or making you work to hard to the point of losing interest. You have this down to pat, as well written and believable dialogue. If animations are not your strong suit, then so be it! The rest of this was very well executed for a one man team, and I respect you for setting aside the time to interact with commenters like myself. The one thing that I would say could use improvement other than animations is establishing some sort of core gameplay loop. While the concepts are exiting and well written, sometimes it feel handed to you by sticking around, rather than earned through the choices you made. It could be as simple as key items to progress through different routes, or a minigame like maybe at the supermarket to help you get into rileys pants. Other than this, I cant really complain. You do great work, and I personally would love to hear what you have in store for us next. I could also proofread things if you need the help going forward. Thank you for your responses and interaction with myself and other commentors, and I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.

Having hot animations and sex scenes are one thing, and argueably the most important thing an erotic visual novel can provide. However, while I find the animations to be lacklustor, I find myself driven to play further into a game by something any novel should have, erotic or not; great dialogue. I find the situations and comments of these characters funny and genuinely interesting, as well as exaturated, yet at the same time believable. The kinks present are well executed, and I enjoy the more subtle changes in facial expression depending on dialogue. Overall, I very much enjoyed because its good writing and well paced and executed kinks and scenarios make up for the issues presented by lack of visually pleasing animations. I hope this criticism is beneficial to the developers, and I thank them for allowing people to play this for free.