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A member registered May 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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oof, so sorry, will update that on my page, thank you for letting me know!

thanks for letting me know! this was the first time I submitted anything to a jam, so I'm still getting used to it all xD

thank you!

Thank you!

thank you! I really wanted to make each song feel like a different stage, or have a different tone to it, stretching what I could do with the same set of instruments in each!

This is incredibly adorable 

I've got three songs composed, and I'm struggling to compose a fourth. I wanted my OST to be able to wrap around multiple different in-game scenarios - boss battles, different stage bgm, cinematic cut-scene music; I am having a hard time with boss battles lol. I can't vary my tempo in boss battle music enough to make it interesting and that's what I'm stuck on.