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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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They were popular for a while, but the hype kind of died down I feel. Ones I played were Cookie Clicker and Tap Titans

Awesome! Im really glad you liked it. Haha, some previous playtesters mentioned that ascension is a little OP, so its very well possible to reach the final item tier (there are 20)

Thanks for playing! That's really strange - I never encountered that ascension bug

Thanks! I'm not very good with names, so I just combined everything.

Yeah, haha, I definitely would have added a mute button, but that would take dev time out of the jam :)

Amazing game with a great concept. However, due to the nature of the game, it's a bit too difficult. Maybe something that can help is to allow the player to remove the symmetry mechanic visuals to be able to scout the map. I don't know what half of the map is when I start the level, so I can't possibly come up with a strategy.

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Super neat and creative game! It's just like TFT! I could see this becoming a thing.  I did have trouble understanding the UI at first though. Maybe some text could help. An interesting niche, but I don't know how competitive/balanced a game like this can become.

Thanks! Haha, balance is definitely a recurring issue with my game. I should take at ascensions again...

Thanks for your suggestions! Interesting that you would say that. One thing that I considered was not converting the currency to different units at all (i.e. no K, million, billion, etc). This way, it feels like you are making a lot of gold, even though you're not. After reading your suggestion keeping the currency as it is right now was the right choice.

AMAZING game! Easily the most polished game I played so far. Looks great, dozens of levels. Platforming mechanics reminded me of Celeste, which is another great game. I've never seen the self-homing turret mechanic before. A few nitpicks though - I don't know how I feel about having to kill all enemies to progress the level. It's not very fun backtracking and finding the remaining enemies. On the other hand, it does encourage puzzle solving and creative placement for your turrets. Also, I encountered a few bugs regarding the rock-looking enemies, frame rate drops, and wall jumping inconsistencies.  But if you were to polish this game and release it, I could see it being very popular. I think bosses would be a cool addition too.

Fun game - I really enjoyed the ambient background noise. I really liked the atmosphere you were going for.  Unfortunately, I got stuck at the graveyard part. One suggestion for these type of games is to always have the possible actions somewhere on the screen. (e.g. Space to continue, E to interact) This way, I'm not relying on spamming my buttons to check if I can do something.

Yeah, I definitely agree. It's difficult to get that sweet spot of balance for this kind of game, because it's an incremental game that is supposed to be played over a long period of time. Hiring a mathematician should would have helped!

Nice take on the popular DDR style rhythm game. One thing that REALLY threw me off though is that most DDR games I played put the arrows in (LEFT/DOWN/UP/RIGHT) order, whereas you had yours in (LEFT/UP/DOWN/RIGHT) order.  It also felt very difficult / not as responsive as the rhythm games I played. Fun game though.

Loved the game idea. The concept of deflecting projectiles is really awesome. I felt like some work could have been done to refine the core mechanics though.  The game was pretty hard. The shield is also asymmetrical, so it's hard to use at some angles. It also took me some time to understand how to deflect bullets. 

I tried to playtest my game as much as I could, but balancing is hard in an infinitely progressive game, especially since I had no experience in the genre prior to this game.

Haha, luckily the point of my game is to be able to be played while idling, so I had text-based dialogue built in! Making the tutorial was pretty quick!

This game was inspired from playing idle mobile games, haha

Thanks! The combat was sort of inspired from Hollow Knight, where you bounce back after every attack.

Fun game once you understand how to play. Initially, I thought you were supposed to move around after each day. However, farming one spot was the optimal strategy. It was also difficult to figure out which regions give which items and what items do what. The objective isn't even in the shop in the beginning. However, once you get the mechanics down, it seems pretty balanced. Maybe because I played the character with no hunger requirement. I don't think it's possible to win with the other characters. Better game than Don't Starve.

I just uploaded a potential fix to the problem you guys were having. Your description was very helpful!

If anyone still encounters this problem, feel free to post another comment.

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Great suggestion! I never thought anyone would use the scroll wheel. I intended it to only be left click and drag. I updated the game with this.

(2 edits)

Hi! I'm glad you liked it. I'm not sure what could have cause the bug. I'll see if I can look into it. But you can probably fix it by just reloading the page (the game auto saves)