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A member registered Apr 16, 2018 · View creator page →

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Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the note on color—I had played around with variations on the color scheme but it might have been better to just go with another palette entirely. (You definitely understood the ending, btw.)

Click sounds, great idea. I thought about adding music but it would have put me over the time limit—next time!

Appreciate the honesty! I'm a huge fan of ambiguity/space in storytelling, but that often toes the line of boredom haha. Good to know it wasn't too dry here. Thanks for playing 🙂

Thanks for playing!

I really like the overall mood and concept, and even the low quality of the visuals gives it a nice liminal feel. The use of complete darkness as a game mechanic is really interesting, and it definitely toes the line between interesting and frustrating. Also, I didn't see any explanation of the controls, so it took a couple minutes to figure out what to do (not sure if that was intentional). I think to make this a fuller game, there should be better gamification of the darkness—what do players get from walking around in the darkness? It might also help to introduce a narrative from the start or at least soon after the game begins. Solid prototype!

Been writing in various forms for like ten years, glad to see it's paying off! Glad you enjoyed it 🙏🏻

Haha I feel that. I appreciate it!

Whaat? It takes about 5 minutes to complete, 6 if you read slowly haha

If this ever becomes available for Mac, I'll grab it!