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A member registered Jun 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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Haha the player ship sprites are actually just the default ones in GB Studio! I was pretty pressed for time and didn't get the change to switch them out with my own, but I probably will sometime over the summer.

1. The story was told through a computer screen, using a cursor as the player, and used a mix of reconverging plot and choices of endings. This is a all super cool idea!

2. I think that this choice made very good use of the limitations of bitsy, and was generally a very clever idea for a game!

3. My game focuses on a similar idea, and your take on it is so cool! The computer idea was really well integrated, and the choices were clearly defined and the branching felt like pretty natural story progression. Also, nice work on the writing!

1.  Exploration

2.  The player is allowed to explore the environment. I would definitely like to see where the game goes from here.

3.  The story world is super cool. You can tell instantly what the setting is, which I think can be difficult in mediums like bitsy where the graphics are so simple.

4. I liked the way that the player moves through the bus, it's a really unique way to do it given the limitations! Also the visuals look so good. Also how did you do animations/transitions? They look really cool. Overall very nice. 

1. Intermission?

2. Text narration was given to explore the story

3. As some of the other comments mentioned, the sense of tone is really good. I definitely understand the clear feeling that you're trying to get across.

4. I really loved the artwork, also I think that the concept itself is really cool! More comics should be made with bitsy they're such a cool idea. Good job!

1. Exploration?

2. The story being told via the sprites was really nice.

3. The Norse mythology story world was conveyed really nicely, I knew instantly where the game took place.

4. Oh this is really cool. I don't know much about norse mythology but I'm assuming this is like the beginning of Ragnarok? Very cool.

1. Mode of storytelling - Exploration?

2.  The progression felt very natural. Everything was placed in the area nicely, allowing you to explore.

3.  The storyworld is so cute and the change in color very quickly established a new vibe to the dreamworld.

4. This is like highkey really good game design, the way that all the sprites that the player talks to are placed in such a way that the player wants to interest them in the correct order.........genius.

1. Intermission?

2.  The conveyance of text was a good example of this.

3.  I really liked the picture of the dice! It looks like it took a long time to complete, but it looks really good.

4. Great game!

Thanks!! :)

Oh I love the animation + graphics and overall vibes of this. It all makes a really cohesive tone, and is just generally pleasant to look at and play. I like the slipperiness of the ice, it definitely makes it feel like ice. Something I think could be cool to try would be giving each of the characters dialogue. It would add some extra flavor, and a really simple way to add a ton of story/characterization. The only weird thing, which the other comments noticed as well, is that the jump is a bit tricky, and doesn't work when you have another key pressed. This made jumping on such tight platforms a little tricky, and I think could be improved upon. Overall, really good job! Love the way this looks

Yeah, both of those things are because of it's weird thing with itch cropping the screen too much--I'm working on fixing it now.

Yeah! Like I mentioned, there's supposed to be a reset button down there but it doesn't work on some screens. I'm working on fixing it now. But yeah I think a UI arrow that shows force would be a good addition.

Thanks for the feedback! No, there's not walls, the reset button is just supposed to be used often (and the goal is supposed to just be reached real slowly). I think I will try to add a UI arrow to help the arrow to show the force being exerted, though, I think you're right that that would be helpful.

I like the music, it’s catchy. I like the mechanics overall and it controls well. The game is a little difficult though, but I’m not sure if it’s just supposed to be very hard (or I’m just bad at it). I think the moving enemies are annoying, though, bc it’s impossible to actually “time” it when jumping over them. Also, when you get a game over, your score resets back to zero but the collectables don’t reappear, and I think resetting the collectables would help with “resetting” the game upon game over.

This game is fun! I love the way it looks, it controls nice, and it really feels like a classic NES or arcade game. Also it made me realize that I’m really bad at NES games. It’s fun though, so good work!

One minor polish thing I would add would be maybe a splash noise when the player falls in the water, right now he just kind of falls right through. This is super minor though and probably just up to your personal taste.

Oops!! I had set the size of the screen too small, I thought would resize it but it just cuts off the bottom. There's a reset button down there! Should be fixed now.

I really like the concept of the game, and it controls pretty smoothly. I liked the way you set up the scene, and the sounds were fitting as well. I also liked the way that the player automatically picks up the ball, I think that adds a lot of smoothness. Also the way that the ball glows when you shoot it, I thought that was a nice touch. To improve the game I'd maybe add a skybox of some sort and some lighting, just to set the scene even further. The only negative is that the game is a bit hard. It's hard to tell where exactly the ball goes once you shoot it, so it's hard to figure out exactly where to shoot from to score. I really like the concept, and the game is fun, great work.

This game looks and sounds really good. I really like the setting and general ambiance, and the lighting is good. The sounds get the point across without being annoying. If I were to add anything, feel like the objective could've been a little bit clearer from the start (it didn't take me too long to figure out, just, more than no time at all). I thought the tank controls were interesting, and took a little getting used to, but they were alright once you got used to them. I noticed that W and S move your view up and down, but I found this to be almost unnecessary though, I thought you could see everything pretty clearly just from the default position. Overall, the game looks nice, and has a lot of polish. It was fun and I liked it a lot.

This is a really nice game!! The map looks really good, and the car controls admittedly much better than I expected it to. The only critique I would give is that when you're not actively going forward (pressing w), the car kind of just feels like it's floating. This would probably just be fixed with some constant white noise the entire time the car is moving, though. Other than that, this game is really fun and I liked it a lot. I thought the setting was very well put together, and you made the terrain feel much bigger than it actually was, which is impressive. Good job!!

I liked this game! I think the design of the game board is very nice to look at, and it's easy enough to get a feel for the controls right away. Everything works well, and is overall a nice experience. I would just add a bit more UI, which the other comments have also mentioned. The physics is a nice success, and provide a nice game feel while playing. The visual elements are good, and adding more would be a nice improvement, I think. Overall a very nice feeling game!

First of all, I really liked this game! The level design looked good, it was challenging without being too hard, and the movement was very good! The only thing that would need improvement is that in the section with high walls, the camera can accidentally just point at a wall instead of the player, and also during the portion of the game where the character was moving "forward" the camera wasn't pointed at what was ahead of the player, but rather what was behind them, if that makes sense. Other than that, I would say that everything was a success really, and the level design was very nice overall. The only other feedback I have is that while I liked the obstacles and enemies, they weren't incredibly effective in actually slowing down the player. Maybe adding some kind of physics material to them to make them more menacing might help, but this is a minor thing, overall very good!

I really liked the level design of this game. Also, the colors and textures were really pleasing to the eye, and the game just overall looks very nice. The base speed is a bit fast, however, and the first turn was kind of tough because of it. A success would be the spinning obstacles, those were very cool. I like the timer idea, and the overall level design, and the game is definitely pretty hard, so if that’s what you were going for, great job!