I just stopped in because of the initial desciption and visuals because I was looking for a chill experience. This was a wonderful little game and I look forward to you making more levels in the future!
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I just finished my first playthrough of this story and oh my goodness I loved it! There were times I had to actually stop because I was getting overwhelmed (in a good way) by the amount of depth and weight to my choices. This was well written and very engaging, I can't wait to see what the other endings have to offer!
I agree with some of the comments I'm seeing on here already, this is really easy to pickup and I already like the direction you're going in with the content. It's not too complex and yet there are enough elements present already where I find myself having to think through decisions to try and save my party members. Really great work here, looking forward to seeing more!
Hey I really enjoyed this game but I will say that I found myself already easily overpowered without putting much investment into the game. With the basic jumper and only a few out-of-game upgrades, I was able to clear all the waves with the basic pulse rounds, rocket launcher, and a rejuventation totem. There were a few times where I was able to stand still for a good portion of time in the last few waves.
I certainly understand this is a demo so I'm sure the difficulty curve will be taken care of as more content gets added. But like I said, I really enjoyed this! I like just how many monsters there are and the fact that even though I'm getting stronger and faster, I always feel like the swarm is right next to me. It provides a good feeling of suspense.
Hi Ari, I just went to your website to listen to some of your compositions and I really liked what you've created! I have a space simulation game I've been working on and I think you have the ability to make a really great background soundtrack. I'm looking for something that will be easy to listen to while the player is roaming around space. I liked the Corrupted Heaven OST and I think between Abandoned Lab and the Game Over/Credits entries you have out here I'm hearing the start of what I would want to hear. Let me know if you would be interested in working with me on it!
Hello everyone!
I am learning more and more about Itch these past few weeks and it looks like I've stumbled my way onto a community forum of released games and demos and all sorts of fun things. Before I run down the list of all the cool stuff here though I am obligated to put my own post on here to let you know about my own little project.
Epic of Cartan is a short (very short right now) interactive fiction game that I built in Twine when I was younger. I decided to step back into Twine and work more on this story to see where it leads. As I'm posting this I've gone back and cleaned up some of the clunky wording as well as ironed out some "under-the-hood" features so as to streamline the creative process going forward. I've also added some new passages but I'll want to make a more substantial addition before I release this update. So for now, give it a try, and let me know what you think about the prototype concept.

Now, onto playing these games! If you have any good suggestions feel free to leave them below. Thanks!
Just tried this game out and it seems like a fun idea. I had troubles using the spells properly. I think the interface could use a little bit of tweaking. I tried the version present on GX.Games as well since I've been building Gamemaker games for a little bit and am aware of the differences in how it can sometimes export.
If I could make a suggestion it would be to try and link the book to a button so that you can open and close it that way. By doing this, you remove it from the player's field of view and don't block the stats in the top left. It took me a minute to figure out what that was up there until I started writing this review and needed to know.
Also, I tried playing the game in fullscreen mode because this seemed like something that work well with touchscreen! Everything worked except for moving the camera, which is a serious limitation on touchscreen-only tablets and mobile devices. But I did like moving the cards better with touchscreen as opposed to my mouse. It did however reveal to me that when I went to fullscreen on the GX.Games version I was unable to actually leave fullscreen for some reason. I also couldn't open up the main menu settings. It showed up when my character died eventually but otherwise I was preparing to close out of my browser to exit it.
SO, with all that being said, here is my short summary review:
- Gameplay: At first it seems simple but buffing the enemy does prove counter-intuitive. However, I think if properly explained as the core game mechanic it might open up an avenue for more enjoyable gameplay
- Story: Not much of a story provided at this point, as expected for a small game. But I will say, the intro lines with the typos came off as kind of funny to me. I don't know if those were the typo's you mentioned but I thought it was part of the game's aesthetic. It might work well as a campy, Saturday-morning cartoon style. Especially since you end up having to buff the enemies as part of the core gameplay loop.
- Visuals: I actually really liked the visuals for this! Again, I think it set the style of the game in my mind as a kind of goofy adventure. It worked well, keep it up!
Just gave this "short and buggy" prototype a try and I found myself genuinely smiling a couple of times watching the warrior try to make some fairly dumb decisions in the moment. I actually really liked the premise of this game! I would love to see it expanded upon and would happily be a playtester if you wanted some additional feedback. I have been programming and more specifically programming games for a little while now and can probably provide some specific commentary if you wanted it. But for now, I'll leave you with my short review.
- Gameplay: Simplistic but that gives it room to grow! You could probably change the different action options that pop up to add to the madness. Maybe the blade allows the warrior to do things he couldn't normally do.
- Story: While there is only so much story you can really put together in a short experience, I think you did a good job leading me into the narrative with your game description. It gave me a good sense of what I was in charge of as the blade.
- Visuals: I too am familiar with the beauty of stylish programmer art. It's what's kept me from publishing basically anything that I've worked on. It served it's purpose though and that's why we do it!