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A member registered May 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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thanks for the feedback i will be sure to use this to improve my next game 

hi i am a unity generalist and I make games with a 2.5d pixel art like in ocotpath i would love to work with you on this game jam 

didn't finnish

thanks for feedback i might work on it more

i didnt realise that xD

thanks for the feadback


that is how i did the trajectory and i increased the force over time for the charge of the bow

i like the art however the camrea is realy weird to use

i like it


great game

fun puzel game but i wish the controls were a bit tighter the game feels realy slipery

great use of the theme i liked the pixel art nice controls however the play got suck to walls(in unity create a physics material 2d turn friction to 0 and aply to the player to fix this)

nice visuals and the game was fun but the music did bug out a lot 

the gamplay was quite bland and short but i really liked the music overall i liked the game

fits the theme really well

cool game i like the weapon switching mechanic

the way it was supposed it was relate to the theme was your were going to be a trator and the failer of your group is the progress of the kingdom

however i do like the art i made but i should of focused on gameplay

i did not finish i made the idea way to big and it runs very poorly but i thought i should share what i did as a warning not to do what i did 

this is what i made over the christmas Holladay

I didn’t have time to fix it but it’s only on the first level