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A member registered Jan 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your comments. I'm just making games I would like to play. Don't forget to give me a rating.

Saturday. If not you'll have to wait till the end of this month.

The next update here will be late October. My Patreon supporters should receive it early next month.

I'm still working it out. I have a great idea how it will work already. Most of the characters in the game will be new characters though.

My Patrons on Patreons will get the next updateto this game (which is also the final update) later this month on Patreon. On it will be release late next month. The next project is an original card game. Starting right after this game is completed.

Thank you for your comments. I greatly appreciate it. I just wished you would have given me this response since last year.  I'll start adjusting some of these things you suggested.

This game actually turned out different to how I had originally envisioned it, but I still liked how it turned out in the end. I hope to start the sequel next year.

I'll look into it.  If I get to finish the resat of the game quickly, I definitely will.

I'll consider your suggestions, but I can't guarantee I'll do all of these things.  I don't want to complicate things too much because I don't want to spend forever developing this game. I still have to code the  next two opponents and a secret third one. There will also be a slight variation to the rules from this point, that's why I stopped here.

This game is meant to be a short game with replay value. It's basically the Lair's Dice game from my other game, Good Girl Giselle, but developed a lot more. There will be four main matches, and an unlockable fifth match. I also plan to implement variations on rules and play styles also.

(1 edit)

You have to click on the three ingredients you want and then click mix.  When you hover over an ingredient (the picture of the ingredient, not the name), the outline turns green, when you click on the hovered ingredient, it is selected and, the outline turns and remain purple after you move from it. Select the three ingredients (They will have purple outlines) then click mix.  The mixture list is accessible by clicking Drink Recipes.

Hope this helps.

Unfortunately no. I want to do a game containing pregnancy in an interesting way.  Good Girl Giselle strayed off from its original path, even though the new path made the game better.  In the new path, I just didn't feel it fit into the story.

Good day everyone. I am hard at work developing version 1.0 of Good Girl Giselle. This is intended to be the completion of the story, and will be the final version, once no major glitches are found. It will have two additional chapters, with a definitive ending. It's taking longer than I expected, but I am trying to finish code, test and publish it before the end of 2021. Most of the work is done, but there is still a lot to do. Thanks for your support, and I intend to make more games in the coming months, because I'm enjoying doing this!

Good day, than you for your interest in my game, I appreciate it. I have been really busy trying to finish off the last two chapters of the game over the last two months so I missed your question.  

Your suggestion is a great idea, but I'm too far in development to change this narratively, nor do I want to render dozens of pictures and animations to effectively implement this change as I would want to do it properly (each picture takes about 2 hrs to render,  with animations taking over a day, plus additional time to program the game, get game resources and set up scenes). I will take this into consideration for future games though, as I have been getting this request more than you think. 

I want to finish this project and start something new very soon, so look forward to my future games as some or many may have this.

I just want to know if you found any bugs in-game. Mistakes happen, let me know so that I can fix them!