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A member registered Jun 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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I can't believe it's a d6 not a d20, 0/10. But in all honesty it was a pretty enjoyable game that I had a good time playing.

Really liked it, my only real problem was that rerolling abilities just felt like a worse ability select. Other than that though, it was a really fun experience.

I love it, amazing game play, amazing music, amazing art, it's just amazing.

(1 edit)

Thanks for looking at the positives, good to know the game wasn't completely useless.

Thank you for the kind words. It wouldn't be as good as you expect, probably just a start, retry, and an actual highscore save.

It's an honor hearing this from you. I really liked Tertraquest.

The movement definitely needs to be improved.

I really liked the game even though the concept was probably really common. I like the aesthetic and music in the game.

Like everyone else said the rope feels too heavy sometimes and has too much trouble telling which block belonged to which.

Really like the concept, I could never think of it myself. The only thing I can suggest is making the slider thing bigger, has some trouble with that while platforming.

Really like the game, even though I'm bad at it. My only issue is that when I press restart I have to start from the first level.

The art is really cute and the puzzles were fun too.


The game's really fun!

I'm just really bad at it.