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A member registered Sep 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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The concept was very interesting. I wish that there was more instructions on what to do. I wasn't really sure what the objective was or how to keep going. The character sort of sank down into the unknown after moving them. If there was more time I feel you could've had a great game here. 

The game concept seemed very interesting. The game however seemed very unfinished, the enemy fell through the floor which I think is supposed to happen. But, after trying to go further the player sort of went off into space. 

This game was really fun to play. It was easy to pick up and I liked the card game. I don't know if there was supposed to be more rounds, but it seemed like the game broke after two. 

This game was so interesting! I loved moving my little pieces and watching them go off and attack the other guys. I wish there was some type of music when you started the battle in order to make it more exciting. Otherwise, it was a very cool little game.

This game was really fun to play. I really enjoyed the monster band surrounding the stage. That was really funny. I'm not really great at shooting games but the controls were responsive and it felt good shooting the zombies. Great Job!!

I feel that there was a lot of information missing. In the button pressing portion, I noticed that some of the letters were off screen. Also, in the climbing portion I could only move the character left and right. There's a lot of potential in this game and I feel that if there was more polish then it would've been better.  

The concept very interesting. I wish that there was some way to get up to the other red balls. Mine would just get stuck on the terrain and just sit there. If this was fully fleshed out I feel that it would be a very fun game! 

The game had an interesting concept, unfortunately it was very difficult to play. I barely made it anywhere in the level without the cube breaking. I wish there was a difficulty option where the cube didn't instantly break. 

This game was really a lot of fun to play. The really enjoyed the challenge, it was very engaging. I do wish it had some type of music or sound effects. But I understand given the time constraint. Great Job!

This game had very smooth controls and was very responsive. There didn't really seem to be a sort of end other than just killing infinite elements. I wish it tied into the theme a bit more, but other than that it was a fun little game. 

This game was a really fun game to play. I loved how you used the lyrics of the song to guide each level, that was very creative. Overall this was a really great game!

This game was really fun to play, I really enjoyed that the levels changed with each thing that you did. Great Job!

It did take me a minute to understand what was happening but I feel that the mechanics were very smooth. I wish there was some type of story or objective to really keep the player engaged. It is an interesting concept and I feel if you polished it out more it would be a really great game. 

I feel like it was a funny little running game. The clips of "running up that hill" was so funny I honestly laughed every time I got that boost. I wish there were more enemies or obstacles other than just running up that hill. Fun game regardless.  

This was a cute little game to play, frustrating at times but that's more on the nature of the game than anything else. I really enjoyed playing it. Great Job!

The shooting mechanics worked very well. The atmosphere was so good, creepy bordering on that anxiety feeling. Made me very hyper aware of my surroundings even though it was just basic shapes. I do wish there was some type of game over, as it seemed the hit points kind of just reset. I also wish it tied into the theme a bit more. Other than that it was a fun creepy game. Great job!

This game was really fun. Granted, I wish there was some way to reset the car in case you flipped over. I kept having to refresh the game due to this happening and it was frustrating. Other than that, it was a fun racing game to play. Great Job!

This was a really fun game to play! I really enjoyed the puzzle elements and figuring out the code was super fun! Really great game

The game was very smooth to play, the obstacles however were mostly off to the side and didn't really go onto the path. There also wasn't really a "end" so to speak. You'd just kind of fall off to where the ground was and could just run up it again. It would've been nice to have some type of end screen or something. Also, there's no real consequences other than having to start over on the hill. There should've have been some type of game over screen when something were to happen.

The aesthetic of the game was very cute. The controls were extremely slow and very hard to maneuver the fox player. The fox kept getting stuck in the walls and the turn mechanic would just stop working which was very frustrating. Other than the music, I wish it tied into the theme more. 

I really enjoyed this fun platformer! I love that the platforms get more spaced out the longer you play. It was a very fun experience. I'm also really glad that there was instructions on how to play since the game really throws you right into it. Great Job!

That was such a fun game! I loved the artwork so much, it was such a cute design. The controls felt very good and it was a fun platformer! Amazing Job!

The art style and the aesthetics were very interesting. I did get very confused about what exactly I was supposed to be doing though. It would have been nice to have some type of screen explaining what the goal was. Other than that, the controls felt pretty nice and it was an interesting game. Nice job!

I thought that the game had a very unique concept. I was a little confused on the controls at first, but once I figured it out it was a fun little game to play. I wish there was more of a story here though, at the end it noted the player's party. It would have been nice to see them before this boss battle, but given the time frame I understand why we weren't shown it. Great Job!