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A member registered Mar 15, 2014 · View creator page →

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I can't seem to start the game. The screen I get when I start it up  looks like the main menu is off in the bottom right but the play button I can see either doesn't seem to respond. I'm using a 4K display so that seem like it might be the issue? but I don't have another to test on right now. If I can dig out something else to test on, I'll confirm here that the resolution is the issue.

I would also be happy with just an "Add to Library" button next to the download button for each game on the bundle page. It would remove a lot of steps.

The app is my preferred way to interact with purchases, and the fact that I can't really find a way to get those games in there is a shame

Hi there! I'd like to get this fixed but need a little more info. What platform are you using? And which version of the game is this on?

Thanks for the great feedback! We're glad you enjoyed it, and we appreciate the suggestions. We intentionally balanced the game to be on the easier side for the jam, since most people aren't willing to give a game more than about 5 minutes when judging submissions we deliberately made it so they could see basically the whole game in that time. We do intend on releasing a post-jam version with difficulty settings to mitigate this, but since this was built in 72 hours we didn't really have time. 

Your suggestion about making the keys appear only after the room is cleared is a good idea, and we'll definitely try that out in the future. The idea of making the keys appear randomly is also worth experimenting.

Thanks again for the feedback and  suggestions.

(1 edit)

That's intended. If you find the item down that path you'll be able to get out thru it! 

Consumption community · Created a new topic Suggestions

If you have any suggestions for improvements for the game in order to make it into something bigger and better please let me know here. I'll keep up with this thread.

I don't have a lot of time to work on the game, but I am still working on it when I do have time, so your suggestions are useful.