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A member registered Sep 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Did you press jump fast? Try jump then wait and then the second jump, when it don't work then it's a wired bug, because it work for me 

Double jump

Thanks, yea a lot say it's to hard, but I hope you passed all levels

Sorry for that, you can dopple jump and hit a thing on the right side then the wall will disappear 

Hi, on the right side is a thing you can shoot on then the wall disappeare

Thanks for playing, I will add some sounds and Musik 

Thanks, I will fix it 

looks nice the design is great, but i dont know where to go the camera dont follow

Great shoort game! The mechanics are great and i like the design. 

This game is fun ! but im to bad haha

wow, for 72 hours its really good and i really like the design!

no i dont wanted to use ur projekt, i mean my own because i dont know how to make my game to an download, i just know how to make it to html 5, sorry for missunderstandable

cooles game aber es hat mich richtig zum ragen gebracht hahah

can i export a game on html5 and make that people can download it ?


What can i ad in the game ?