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A member registered Feb 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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thanks for playing! I'm glad you liked it!

Thanks for playing! The sound effects with dialogue is more a nod to how phoenix wright does things. It showing if someone is yelling (which a certain detective with a 100% win rate does a lot.....) or to emphasis a point/show that you got a hint. 

Thaaankkk yoooouuu~!!!

Thanks for playing~! Glad you liked it!

please check out our game too~!

hahaha glad I could sneak another laugh in~! Thanks again for playing~!

oooooooooh i'm gonna have to play again and aim for that!

Thank you!

oh man, that'd be the dream~!! Not sure there's enough here for a series though :P maybe an episode? hahaha

Thanks so much for playing! Glad you liked it~!

Thanks for playing!

We kinda limited ourselves to one of the "investigation" chapters of phoenix wright as we figured it had the most to explore gameplay wise for a jam.

Perhaps we should continue it post jam? :P

Thanks heaps for playing~! Glad you liked it!

We kinda limited ourselves to one of the "investigation" chapters of phoenix wright as we figured it had the most to explore gameplay wise for a jam.

Perhaps we should continue it post jam? :P

Thanks heaps for playing~! Glad you liked it!

AaaaAAAaaaahhh~! Thank you~!!!! So glad you liked it!

ooooooh there's some pretty damning evidence back at Yogtowers after [SPOILER] gets arrested that you need! But you might need to talk to the person who got arrested to find out what exactly that means! You're going after the Bristol Pusher after all! You need to make sure you have all the evidence before confronting them!

If you scroll down on the game page there is as (as spoiler free as we could make it) walkthrough available :D

Thanks heaps for playing! Glad you liked it!

Oh no!
Zylus' clear bragging about his 100% win rate might have been too much.....
We just wanted everyone to know how great he was!
I mean is!
Clearly he's great!
I would never doubt that!

Sorry~! couldn't resist :P tutorial would have been great but we just didn't have the time. :(

And it sounds like none of our story twists surprised you, damn you're too good of a riddle bro for us to catch out~!

Thanks you so much for playing~! and for all your feedback! I'm glad you liked it!

Thank you~! Glad you liked it!

if only we had more time! Then Ben probably would have lawyered up....I wonder... would Rythian been available? 

Thanks for playing!! Glad you liked it!!

if only there was the time!! Thank you for playing!! Glad you liked it!!

omg! Thank you so much~! We couldn't in good conscience have Ben die without a blergh!

Thank you! Glad you liked it!

Hi! Please check out game out~! It's a Phoenix Wright Riddle Bros Crossover!

Well done on executing the control swapping in a really natural and polished way~! having set locations in the world meant that the challenge came more from remapping my brain than rather suddenly throwing myself into lava. I got a score of 2,600~! I think I got everything except for that ring floating above the lava~!

really fun~! The going backwards was intense! a great boss fight!

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it! There's a walk through if you scroll down :D

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing~! Glad you liked it!

Weird there should be music? and unfortunately there's a bug with the crowbar :'( Buuuutt~! If you go again (there's a walkthrough if you scroll down on the page and wanna speed through) Just where you found the crowbar there's a piece of paper ontop of the same desk. Click on that instead and present that to Ben! There's more afoot than meets the eye!

Oooh~! really cool art style! I love the circle/dots light fall off/shader! A great shooter!

Thank you~! Glad you liked it!

It's like an amazing fusion of limbo and role reversed carrion~!

naw such a cute game! I loved it~! Took me a while to get all my cats regularly happy enough to do tasks easily but it was a lot of fun! I love the lighting~!

Thank you! Glad you liked it~!

omg~! Thank you!!! We've been playing the trilogy soooo much lately and when the theme was surprise it just seemed like such a perfect fit to go with a good old "murder" mystery! Glad you liked it! Thank you for the 5 stars!

Thank you! Glad you liked it!

Thank you~! what a compliment! coming from a game with such amazing visuals as yours~! Glad you liked it!

haha~! Downside to being in Australia~! it was 2am on Monday for us! Thank you for playing! Glad you liked it!

A really fun game! I did play it "single-player" and it became a little bit pat your head and rub your tummy, but it still worked~! and it was a lot of fun!

awesome game, the atmosphere is amazing. I legitimately got scared by my own shadow more than once. The lighting is so good. Only little things would be having more feedback on monster hits... and that it was too short! I wanna play more!

Thank you! Glad you liked it~!

Thanks! Glad you liked it~! He's not bad.... he's just gotta protect that win rate!

ooooOOoooOOOo~! You think so? Thank you so much~!!! Fingers crossed~!!Glad you liked it~!

Thank you~!