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A member registered Nov 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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i just played this and i'm a big fan and i love the gun controls
i do think that bullets should be a bit more common since sometimes you can get really low on certain kinds of bullets and also for some reason you can't pick up the ammo boxes when you're at max ammo even though you can unload weapons when your ammo is full and it works perfectly fine
also i think that the button for aiming the right barrel of the double barrel should be something like V instead of right shift since normally you'd have one hand on the movement keys and the other hand on the mouse and the right shift is way too far away to hit quickly

frogueslick is my favorite character

whose idea was it to put a thing where you have to click at one place and hold, jump, and move right all at the same time (3-1)

fun and all but the controls are atrocious (seriously why not make the up button also the jump button) also the controls for programming the ai leave much to be desired



terrible game 00000/10 bad bad bad


terrble gamed evber inventid 012384-/28

worst game ever concieved -1/100

i despise this game with a burning passion -100/10

worst game i have ever seen 0/5

bad game balance 0/10

i love the sound effects on this they are so satisfying

can you make it so that if you leave a merchant, healer, or mystery event without buying anything it dosen't disappear

rip to this great run

f in the chat for this amazing run

why does the game never have any healers when i need them

i like the game but i think automatically having little chad in a slot and 4 other slots for babies would make more sense (also probably a shop item that lets you have a holy mantle-like protection for the door so you have an extra try if an enemy gets through) (also another shop item idea is one that decreases the placement cooldown by like 10%-15%)

this game might be fun but some of it's levels are completely unfair (like centrifuge) because it's just pure luck you happen to get up on the platform

(1 edit)

this game is fun but man it hurts getting good items and upgrades and one unfortunate crit shot ends it all (btw how does the shop refreshing work)

wait really

can you add an undo button because i have to restart the game every time i make a mistake

how do i get the wiebe ending? i gave him all his stuff but what do i need to do now

What are the hex codes for the cog_dwarf pallete?

i have the 64 bit windows one btw

hey look buddy, i'm an engineer and that means i solve problems,

can i get the sprites for the farm buttons

what was used to make this

ive used it before but ive forgot the name and have been searching for it to no avail


gets boring after a while though


What did you update?

(1 edit)

Can't wait if you do! I can make some art and ideas!

Cool game! Pretty hard tho. You should make a V2 with more content!

Slice Wise community · Created a new topic cool game

cool game

this game is very fun!


i really like those sound effects when the cubes fall into the hole

how do you get past the second level
