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(5 edits) (+2)


I actually follow the account from twitter so ı kinda saw few videos buuut ı didnt realized youtube ones aaa!! ı will go check them immediately x3 

hmm well so this is like a alternative ending but ım also confused by something... game is based on ''dating'' but ıf the ending is like normal route with no romance then how we will date them 0-0 well maybe ıt would be confusing for both side since one side is literally in ''dream'' while other side is a uh someone who literally didnt date anyone? ıdkk but ım fine either way ı saw gift option and the all the things ı can give so date or not ı will use my time to get everybody's preferences :DD (especially Lor haha ım not sure how long ıt will take my courage to finally dress him in a maid outfit or cat ears tho... ı hope he wont get mad at me x-x) 

and! thank you for all these amazing work! as ı said ı didnt started watching videos but ı actually clicked one of them while writing this and saw few comments about and ı saw a comment about ''needing to take a break'' ... unfortunately ı can understand these words so well with my endless university works ;-; ı have no idea how they keep getting more and more while Im working on them with all sleeping at ''2 or 3 am'' nights so ıf ıts tiring for you ı hope you will find time to take a rest! your health is lots more important things afterall!! ı am really glad that you are enjoying this amazing game's work ı am also having lots of fun looking at new updates! x3

and... MAİD OUTFİTSS!!!! 
when ı frst saw this update on twitter ı kinda let out small scream and my friend tried to look what ı was looking at ( well in fear ı managed to hid it but ıt was a close call ;w;)

omgg all those expressions and variety of maid outfits! a perfect waifu(?) section is here!

actually the first thing ı noticed in this art was... characters' expressions... well jeth looked like he didnt even care for that dress and more was into... whatever he is loking at while holding his axe...  katnir looks like he is literally questioning everything while trying to look normal, Lor is the one who is most embarrassed looking one with either averting his eye or looking at us (ı cant clearly tell ıf he is either looking at viewer's direction or averting his eyes tbh) and blushing... even tho he looks like he is still ready to do whatever needed ;w; ıdk ıf ım reading too much into it but ıdkk he gives me that gives and its cute..... and Ruwin... he looks.... his eyes omg ;w; he just looks like he accepted his fate  ıdkk ı cant read much from his face it just feels blank ;w;.

overall, a perfect advertisement for amazing date candidates!
thank you for your all-hard work!

well, ı also want to thank Ekkoberry for working hard on this game too ı guess the drawings of the game is closer to Ekkoberry's drawing style? either way both parties are doing amazing job! ı hope this game will successfully finishes!


Hi justaonegirl, im glad you are looking forward to this game and we are very excited to share it with you! Yes , ekkoberry did the sketches and I did inking so we blend our styles a little. It's been very smooth process actually!

To clear up confusion about the timeline, the TO in this game didn't "finalize" any romance so it's possible they were starting a romance but didn't confirm it with the eternal pendant. It's purposely vague. The LIs at the start are obviously fond of the TO but react differently to meeting them again after saying goodbye (what they thought was forever bye) so it's a bit like meeting again at reunion and thinking maybe we can see where things go type friendly romance. it's more light hearted than ADW so it's more meant to be a fun dating game than a serious sequel. I hope that clears up your question ^_^ but I'm happy to o clarify more. I hope work gets less stressful for you and you can rest. Best wishes, and thanks again for sharing your thoughts Jen 

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for the answerss !! :3 Ah ım really fine with that kind of romance... ı usually play that type of romance anyway so ıts actually in my  interest zone very well ^^; 
thanksfully this is my final exam week so ı have to push myself at least for this week and ı will be free after that ^^ ! which means ı will start to fully wait for the game -w- ı hope things will be keep going smooth for ekkoberry and you ^^