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I was super excited to see that this has updated! Last I checked on it I think it was only version 60. I spent all evening going through the new routes and enjoying the new added CGs, they're all really well done and I thoroughly enjoyed all the new dialogue expansions. I really felt like the options you pick with Yoshi impacted his personality, but not so much that it completely changed him as a person, which is a fine line to walk, and it made the repeat playthrough's really enjoyable.

If I have any one thing to critique its Nasir route. I get what he's going for and that its probably not aimed at me, but, I just got the feeling he was kind of plowing over Yoshi and really pushing himself hard onto him was pretty squicky for me. It just came across as less sexy and more sexual harassment. I did warm up to him toward the end though as he was actively trying to reign himself in and respect Yoshi more, or at least he did with the options I picked. I just think having a scene where boundaries, and better yet, a safe word can be discussed earlier in the route would really make his route better. There's nothing sexier than informed consent.

That sounds bad when I type it all out, but I really just want to thank you for making this available for free. I really enjoyed the world and the characters, and I just want to see it improve. I'm super excited for Docs route, he's probably the one thats the most "me" out of all these guys and I've enjoyed thoroughly enjoyed all the others so far, especially Razixs and Zed (Noone gets poor Razixs sense of humour. I like his flirty jokes) and am eagerly anticipating more.

Yeah, Nasir is not everyone's cup of tea, I get that for sure.

Thanks for your feedback!