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Mhmmm, Im aiming to make him as a old dad type of bear but not be so much so that he is just a rip off of Coach Grifter from EA by Dyne because they would essentially be the same and i'm trying not to do that. And about the error thing, around 3.0 or something I had a point system error where it made almost everyone go into Owen's route for some reason. If "I don't know what are you talking about #'-'#" Is referring to idk. And I often see good teachers not "giving" free points for kids grades but making little easy assignments to help boost they're grade (on a side note about the grade stuff)

(2 edits)

Ops. My bad. I got confused about "onto something". I understood "being on to something", like being suspicious about my analyses on Owen's behavior, like I'm getting closer or something '-'

English is my second language so I misunderstood some slangs sometimes ^^'

Also I liked Coach Grifter rote as well. My favorite ones are him and Dozer. And I agree about on making something different.