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Okay, I seriously think the summary for this game needs a bit of a re-work. 

I found this game randomly while desperately looking for something new to play and I honestly didn't think much of it after reading the description. I was going to exit back out to the home page but decided to check the comments to see if any of them mentioned game length or if the game was even complete. Then I saw a comment talking about endings and I figured "If it's finished then I might as well give it a try."

Now, I've just spent the last three hours fully immersed in the story and completely determined to get a happy ending. I haven't even finished reaching an ending yet, and I am convinced that this is one of the best games - and if not, definitely one of the best FREE games - on Maybe even one of the most well-written interactive fiction games of all time. And I was about to pass up on it because I of the description!!

I'm not saying that the summary needs spoilers or anything, but maybe something to give it a bit more substance? This game is crazy good so far and I can only imagine how many people like me looked over the summary and said "meh, can't be that good" purely because the summary didn't give them a good enough idea of the game

If you have suggestions...