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Ok so I was playing on 0.36. The most problematic thing is NEET type character is worthless. I don't understand his cons and pros, how are you supposed to play as NEET? You have multiple times more time but you can't use it any way that seems important.


NEET is somewhat of a meme and self-inflicted pain. 0.37 will make it slightly easier to maintain built-up Trust but you’ll still struggle financially and to maintain enough energy. The only redeeming quality right now is that playing video games restores the NEET’s energy instead of taking it.

(1 edit)

In version 0.36 it was not working that way. It was restoring one energy to use it immediately.

Edit: I found that the error still exist but entry condition is something I don't understand. Sometimes by playing video games as neet you will gain some energy to finally have it less than before playing the games. It happens on 0.37 but I don't know how you can repeat the error. Maybe fiddle with playing the games and doing dishes, laundry etc.

(1 edit) (+1)

So I found another error. Because you can sometimes have enough energy to spend so much time that it goes into another day example from Friday to Saturday when you go to sleep you will skip whole day. Even if it was 1 AM.

Does this only happen from Fridays to Saturdays and/or Saturdays to Sundays? There is a split between weekdays and the weekend, so something might go wrong there ^_^

I’ll investigate!


It can happen on any day. You only need to roll over 12 PM into next day. I guess intended behavior would be going to normal start hour of the day with energy penalty as you didn't sleep too much but it is to be thinker over as somebody can have full energy while going to sleep.

(1 edit)

Taking Shaori on a date generates error.

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code:   File "game/Stories/picnic.rpy", line 1460, in <module> ValueError: 'English' is not in list -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback:   File "Stories/picnic.rpyc", line 1460, in script   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\", line 1131, in execute     renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\", line 1061, in py_exec_bytecode     exec(bytecode, globals, locals)   File "game/Stories/picnic.rpy", line 1460, in <module> ValueError: 'English' is not in list Windows-10-10.0.22631 AMD64 Ren'Py Living Together 0.37 Mon May 20 20:10:56 2024

Also English isn't added to her interest lists.

You’re like a pro bug hunter! I added it to the bug tracker.


You can overbuy PokeStick and Ice popsicle (there is no limit)

^_^’ I have a lot to do!

(2 edits)

So next error. Save at start of the day when you can do the dishes, laundry etc. Next close game and load save. When you will do anything it will log this error:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: Exception: The say screen (or show_function) must return a Text object. -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback:   File "Scripts/day_behavior.rpyc", line 228, in script   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\", line 921, in execute     renpy.exports.say(who, what, *args, **kwargs)   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\", line 1373, in say     who(what, *args, **kwargs)   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\", line 1266, in __call__     self.do_display(who, what, cb_args=self.cb_args, dtt=dtt, **display_args)   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\", line 927, in do_display     display_say(who,   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\", line 624, in display_say     raise Exception("The say screen (or show_function) must return a Text object.") Exception: The say screen (or show_function) must return a Text object. Windows-10-10.0.22631 AMD64 Ren'Py Living Together 0.37 Mon May 20 20:37:43 2024

Edit: also happens on any interaction menu that you can save and load game. Choosing anything will make this error show up.

(1 edit)

I don't know if it is a bug but watching porn with her only gives you trust (lot of it). Also she can be very open to watching porn and yet she isn't interested in talking about soft erotic topic with player.

(1 edit)

Last error I think. When you start the game mother is telling you that you need to clean the dishes do the laundry etc. But when you are playing part timer you don't need to do any of that. Number of days without doing it will always be lover than the maximum allowed.

(2 edits)

Ok so I'm still founding some errors, when it is a weekend choose to play a video game with her (I had erotic)

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code:   File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 609, in execute_call_screen     store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)   File "game/Scripts/play_game_ui.rpy", line 82, in execute   File "game/Scripts/play_game_ui.rpy", line 82, in execute   File "game/Scripts/play_game_ui.rpy", line 86, in execute   File "game/Scripts/play_game_ui.rpy", line 97, in execute   File "game/Scripts/play_game_ui.rpy", line 102, in execute   File "game/Scripts/play_game_ui.rpy", line 152, in execute   File "game/Scripts/play_game_ui.rpy", line 153, in execute   File "game/Scripts/play_game_ui.rpy", line 157, in execute Exception: Imagebutton does not have a idle image. (auto='ui/ui_tero_icon_%s.png'). -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback:   File "Scripts/weekend_behavior.rpyc", line 110, in script   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\", line 2232, in execute"execute")   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\", line 2220, in call     return, parsed, *args, **kwargs)   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\", line 281, in call     return method(parsed, *args, **kwargs)   File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 609, in execute_call_screen     store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\", line 3181, in call_screen     rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse="screen", type="screen", roll_forward=roll_forward)   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\", line 299, in interact     rv =, **kwargs)   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\display\", line 3377, in interact     repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, pause_modal=pause_modal, **kwargs) # type: ignore   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\display\", line 3810, in interact_core     root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\display\", line 582, in visit_all     d.visit_all(callback, seen)   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\display\", line 582, in visit_all     d.visit_all(callback, seen)   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\display\", line 582, in visit_all     d.visit_all(callback, seen)   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\display\", line 451, in visit_all     callback(self)   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\display\", line 3810, in <lambda>     root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\display\", line 462, in per_interact     self.update()   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\display\", line 653, in update     self.screen.function(**self.scope)   File "game/Scripts/play_game_ui.rpy", line 82, in execute   File "game/Scripts/play_game_ui.rpy", line 82, in execute   File "game/Scripts/play_game_ui.rpy", line 86, in execute   File "game/Scripts/play_game_ui.rpy", line 97, in execute   File "game/Scripts/play_game_ui.rpy", line 102, in execute   File "game/Scripts/play_game_ui.rpy", line 152, in execute   File "game/Scripts/play_game_ui.rpy", line 153, in execute   File "game/Scripts/play_game_ui.rpy", line 157, in execute   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\", line 952, in _imagebutton     idle = choice(idle, idle_image, "idle", required=True)   File "F:\LivingTogether_alpha_037-0.37-pc\renpy\", line 946, in choice     raise Exception("Imagebutton does not have a %s image. (auto=%r)." % (name, auto)) Exception: Imagebutton does not have a idle image. (auto='ui/ui_tero_icon_%s.png'). Windows-10-10.0.22631 AMD64 Ren'Py Living Together 0.37 Mon May 20 21:03:37 2024

And after that ignoring error I got information that "we came back from the mall".

Error outside of game but when you go to bug tracker and click on Report a Bug on itch IO it will lead you to and it doesn't exist.

Special dinner isn't used. I had it for 2 weeks in game.

(2 edits)

So when playing as neet you can have hour be after 16 example Monday 16:45 but then there will be option "wait for shiaori to come home". Using it will roll back time to 16:00.

Mostly to have it happen you must do the groceries.

The same is true for work as part timer as you start work on 12:00 you can use clever menagement of time and get to work on 13:45. It won't rollback time but it will still skip time to given hour like you normally go to work (no penalties for running rate).

I think I got them all categorised:


Will check tomorrow.

(2 edits)

1. So I already responded to you question that this "Going past midnight skips that whole day to the next day's morning." can happen on any day.
2. This "Saving at the start of the day when presented with the day time action menu and loading it results in "The say screen (or show_function) must return a Text object." error. " Can happen in any moment when you are supposed to make a choice and can save then load.
3. This "Part-timer / full timer does not have to do laundry or dishes despite mom saying so." I didn't test full timer. But from my understanding if you can do the dishes you should, so yeah precise it.
4. This "Weekend playing an erotic game can lead to: Exception: Imagebutton does not have a idle image. (auto='ui/ui_tero_icon_%s.png')" it dosn't need to be erotic game. Can be any game.
5. This "Watching pron might give you a lot of Trust, and even if she's otherwise still shy about much lighter lewd topics." apparently lot of trust was one time gived to me so meybe a lucky case. But begin still shy and begin open to watching porn together still is a bug.
6. Missing a bug that I mentioned as last. If you play as NEET when you play video games you are supposed to recover energy, but it works that way: add energy then use energy. Sometimes it can use more energy that it adds begin useless and also it doesn't work correctly when having full energy or 4/5 energy as it will use up more or the same amount of energy it can add resulting in player having less energy than before playing.