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@JasonPAGE Dude, get over it. I don't see the problem in paying a small price for a good game, and nobody else (but you) does either. If you don't want to pay, then suck it up and leave. No one is forcing you to buy the game. 


Reported haha

(1 edit) (+8)

who the fuck are you reporting lmao you're the one going after people for spending their money how they want? and why tf are you wasting time going through every comment and downvoting it. get a life.


For such an established accout to behave like that eh? What a turd. I reported them for trolling and then gaslighting threatening to report others. You can't actually do that it's in the TOS don't expect this lumpkin to know that.


oooof yeah read their profile. That's where I directed everyone else to.


Fucking shame on your mom. What a creep.