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A member registered Jun 10, 2020

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Yeah true! I was like "who's enabling this troll?!" And then I'm sitting there, had some coffee thinking to myself wtf?! About myself lol!

Aw man it's this early in the morning and I was (soundly) shown that I missed the point entirely LOL I totally reversed uno you in my head and that IS my bad, sorry.

The main bug I get is that at some point it will just do a dead dial tone no matter what you dial and for the rest of the game it will do that. You can't exit the phone either without pressing escape to get to the menu. Once you chose continue the phone is hung up but it will never be useable for that run.

This happens to a lot of games but I don't see you commenting on them, could you do that then come back here after you try to hold people responsible for shit they aren't responsible for? You attracted a weird troll becaues you're being a dick.

oooof yeah read their profile. That's where I directed everyone else to.

For such an established accout to behave like that eh? What a turd. I reported them for trolling and then gaslighting threatening to report others. You can't actually do that it's in the TOS don't expect this lumpkin to know that.

Fucking shame on your mom. What a creep.

Great work, the phone is janky buggy. It's annoying but sitll 10/10 keep it up!