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A member registered Nov 30, 2020

Recent community posts

I usually don't post reviews but I do want to leave my 2 cents. I adore this game, it's become a big comfort game for me and a great distraction when i'm not feeling well and need to do something to get my mind off of things. It was absolutely worth the money I paid, and I look forward to future updates. I love the art style as well. I love everything about this game.

what is your fucking issue? go do  your homework so you can learn a real skill instead of badgering people for enjoying a game. holy shit, you're pathetic, even for your age.

(1 edit)

who the fuck are you reporting lmao you're the one going after people for spending their money how they want? and why tf are you wasting time going through every comment and downvoting it. get a life.

it's 3 bucks. go do your homework so you can get a job in 7 years so you can afford it 

What programs were used for all of this? music making, game developing, art etc. I love this game and I wanna know how to make my own like this! (I DONT MEAN EXACTLY LIKE THIS I MEAN MY OWN GAME ABOUT MY OWN OCs IM NOT STEALING ANYTHING FROM TD I SWEARRRHBGFHGFJM)