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Masters of Raana

An open world Sci-fi RPG with adult themes. · By GrimDark

Questions/Suggestions Sticky

A topic by GrimDark created Nov 29, 2021 Views: 90,500 Replies: 276
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Good afternoon, I would like to ask if you plan in the future to also have a female protagonist as an option to choose from when creating a character or will there only be a male protagonist?

This doubt appeared because seeing the problems that the world of your game is going through regarding the issue of slavery and also due to the war that is often mentioned in the past and how it left marks on the world.

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Back to this game after a bit

Excited with the new changes but the game feels way harder now (maybe I just botched it). I was struggling to get on top of stabilising an economy (still having a good time, mind you)

One thing that remains an issue, IMO, is the lack of information within the game. Masters of Raana is a game that is very intense on management and decision making. Even if most decisions are small, you’re making them all of the time (what actions to take, what tone to take, etc…)

But a lot of these things are hard to grasp/understand: “Raise fear of a slave”… okay, do I WANT their fear to be high? Why? I can’t tell. Similar to other stats, like willpower. Someone mentioned that, in combat, it’s hard to tell what weapons to use for best capture chance and the only real hint I got is at one point during the tutorial(?) it’s mentioned that the whipping cane is the ideal, but I’ve also noticed that pistols MAY not be too bad, as Bud seems to incapacitate more often than others

A round of “adding a help toggle” and/or extensive use of mouseover tooltips would do WONDERS for this game. I remember having a hard time telling if I was actually doing well the first time I played this game and this still remains

FINALLY: the “advance another day” button in the new day report being a little house right next to the “okay” button has made me accidentally click it a decent amount of times

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How to start the investment in Caitlin's clinic because I turn her into a servant and then I free her (with 100 happy and friendly), several days pass and no icon appears on the west side

Also, will there be scenes changing the state of pubic hair?

or showing off their piercings when you have sex in bed?

I don't know if you can have sex in other parts of the house except for a specific npc.

Thank you so much!

Hey I can't do the tasks for Finnegan in the Dockgrave Tavern. I spoke once to him for the first Task and now the "Need Slaves" option is greyed out and I can't turn in a fitting slave. Am I missing something here or is it a bug?

It got changed in newer version, once you start it, girls can be taken there by action->task & location, same menu you now use to take them to Nika's, Watery Eyes, etc. If she meets requirements you can sell off that menu.

Hey, so I was doing the slave masters of raana quest line and when i helped Aria with killing her enemies, for some reason the quest disssappeared and no one says anything in Kyamanto hall. Is this normal and also is something going to happen when I get her willpower to 0?

I have some questions about religion. If housemates devoted to opposite religions, it won't cause problems between them? Should I convert everyone to my religion (2moons) or go back to atheism? 

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The game is somewhat obscure when it comes to what stats do or how you get them. For example at there isn't a indication on what science does, during gameplay you can find cases where you need to have it at a specific level to do something but there. While during gameplay I recently realized "oh I need more inteligence... How do I do that?" (I did find a few ways but there is no indicator on what they are).
In a similar vein being more open about how damage is calculated would be nice, the stats I have seem disjointed with the damage I do. More stats still does more damage but how it grows is beyond me.
Sometimes for checks I fail or have really low chances of success and I don't really have a indication on why that is the case. The stats are all there but there is no indicator that this check uses inteligence/science/charisma or is affected by defience, filth, anger etc. It leads to moments which can be described as this isn't working but I don't know why.
Other obscure/non intuitive places in the UI would be hacking (what stats affect it and having a indicator of hey you can get x or y upgrade to make this better would be nice), Capturing enemies, and weapon properties (like the spear having reach, what does that mean?).
A related QoL upgrade would be adding a % chance to succede when doing stuff, the game already says rolled x failed/succeded by y, so you can calculate it yourself but having an additional you had z% to succede would be apriciated.

As a secondary thing having most common daily tasks be accesible in a single button would be great. Two examples are learning in the library, and praying, it is only a few clicks to get to where they are but having an option to automate or at least 1 click them would be nice.

In general  despite the issues enjoy the game a lot, thank you for the great game. 

I agree, I would also add in that when you start the game, you're just dropped there zero indication on what to do, or even like milestones goal before each major quest, ie, maybe having an rough recommendation on each quest. This could be in the wiki of the game or even an built in feature where you can see what is recommended. Basically a flow chart on everything.

How do I provide a merc with weapons, armor or ammo?

(Center Bottom)-NPC menu-> Find the merc you want to equip-> (lower right_-> Clothes, Accessories, Weapons, Armor.

If the merc is using a weapon they need ammo for, and you have the ammo, automatically deducted from your overall supply

Thank you.

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Based on the last major update, perhaps you had the same thoughts as me? Perhaps, in addition to female prisoners who can be turned into slaves, it will be possible to turn minor urchins (for example, those who broke into your house to steal) into slavery instead of turning them over to the guards, as well as men. They could all work in your factories. You have already done a lot of work, and it’s already possible to live in Raana’s world. I hope you will continue to work in this direction. This would greatly diversify the gameplay.

PS: And I want my wrool cat as NPC! XD

I have a question about the debug menu: What is the dying world button for? I have been gone for a bit and recently updated the game and noticed this in the debug menu.

Corruption 100, control and prosperity set to 0

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Fun game so far. Stuck on the Golden Seal quest. I try going to Darkmere, but there's no option for an ambush point and there's not a specific date given for her shipping out (just 'several days'), and unlike Dakota's birthday the quest doesn't give a timer. What do you need to do to trigger the ambush?

EDIT: Found it. My browser window cuts off the top part of the screen, so I missed the interactable point.

Alright, been enjoying this one a lot. The systems are a bit hard to work around, not horribly intuitive, but they are satisfying. This would make a pretty solid game even if the sex aspects were entirely off camera. My suggestions would be as follows:

- Skill training options across the board, expanding the courses available and number/variety of books. Right now trying to build up Survival is an exercise in conjuring RNGesus to your aid, and not very much fun. 
- Recurrent courses for the PC in addition to the slaves/servants/mercenaries. It would make later game advancement more feasible.
A Retreat/Withdraw button in Combat! This one leads to frustration, because while you can choose to engage on most fights (click on person on map, choose to either Engage/Withdraw), there's a few really tough fights that you don't have any option to back out from and are forced into combat by clicking on them (the kaiju sea lizard thing, the coilgun snipers in Stokke or Kelsey, and a couple more that I'm forgetting now).  There is also no way to identify these other than a good guess or bitter experience.  I'm fine with a risk/reward option for the player to allow them to decide if they can or can't face down what's waiting for them, but not "Oh ho ho! You've clicked on my trap card sea lizard thing, and now it's mudhole stomping time!".
- If the backers involved are in love with 'no retreat', then just add an additional designator to the overmap icons for the encounters that will force a fight. We have them for Elite enemies (the crown) and for the people who are extorting money for passage (the dollar sign), so something like a skull or an exclamation mark so that the player knows not to click on that thing unless they're ready for an unavoidable fight.
(that's not the same thing as being in a dungeon or mission and getting jumped by bad guys, that again comes under player risk/reward - you know you're going into the sharp end when you choose to go on a quest)

I built the tavern just below my house. It says a barkeep can be assigned via the duties tab. But there isn't a visible duties tab on the tavern management nor one in my house. Please advise. Thank you ahead of time. And by the way, loving the game. 

Check the Jobs tab in the NPC management screen. The Barkeep and Tavern Worker should be on the later tabs.

probably implement an algorithm so that kids do not withdraw until their adulthood? It doesn't rly make sense for kids to leave (especially under Raana's dangerous background). This one I have left when she's 12.

It might also be nice if we receive messages from kids if they decease/anything happen after they withdraw.

Can Npcs and MC die of old age? If yes is it then a % chance or at a certain age Npcs and MC dies?

Do Adrienne Keller or/and Rebecca Higgs Special Ability have effect on the Wifes Stewardess dutie or do a random npc with the same Domestic, Intelligence and Educational skills earn the same?

The new update on the wiki Aging/Ageing site explains most of this (Can Npcs and MC die of old age? If yes is it then a % chance or at a certain age Npcs and MC dies?) guess this means that none recruitable NPCs don't die where MC and recruitable NPCs is Immortal as long that they don't retching 0 in STR/DEX/STAM and can die young if the do.

When new public version?

genuinely asking, how do u guys avn maker made these type of animation? does all of u guys using the same software or sum?

Hi, I have not long found this game and it is honestly my favourite! There is so much to explore and I know it shows fertility but I never seem to be able to get anyone pregnant? Is that just because it's still in development?

how to do the quest. In the name of god? The hacking part? 

Anyone know the code to Hunt Research door hack? 

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A couple of suggestions:

S#1: A great quality of life thing to add would be the ability to reorder your NPC list. About 10 hours in, I restarted my game solely because I'd acquired my main followers in a really haphazard way, and there was no way to change their order in the list to make it easy to keep track of different jobs. I'm a bit of an OCD type, and it drives me crazy not being able to move things around so that they can be tidy.

S#2: I would really like to see more ways to work certain stats and skills (like Intelligence, Academics and Science) up either through practice, or by allowing people to retake the university courses multiple times. Without reading books or doing courses (which are finite, so seem to be better to leave until you've already hit their soft cap before starting), these skills/attributes seem to only advance through teaching, and you already need to have a quite high score in order to start that job. I really enjoy starting with very low stats and working my way up to the maximum in games, but in MoR it seems as if you need to start with a very high score if you ever want to hit your full potential.

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Is there currently any way to get Stealth to over 40? 

The only way to increase it seems to be through hunting, but after hitting Stealth 40 I haven't gotten any higher despite doing a LOT of hunting. Feels weird that there are some rather difficult Stealth checks that you encounter during some story missions, yet no way to improve the skill to the point where you're remotely likely to pass them.

EDIT: Discovered that it's possible to raise your stealth above 40 by sneaking into the Silfren Lair to collect baneclaw dung. Doesn't increase on a crit, but does occasionally go up on a regular success, the same way that it does when you're hunting.

Female player charther 

What exactly is the point of building the stables, other than a moderate daily influence gain? After upgrading the horses, I noticed that there is now supposedly a 'Fast Travel Bonus', but testing out all manner of travel before upgrading the horses and after, I've seen no difference in the amount of time that it takes to get around. So far, I have tried:

- Walking normally between areas

- Using the buttons in the house menu that take you to Marston Ave, Imogen's Barrow, and the Academy

- Leaving the house and using the fast travel map to go across town

All of these things take exactly the same amount of time as they did before building and upgrading the stables. I can only assume that maybe the 'fast travel bonus' is a reduction in Stamina, maybe? But by end game, the stamina that you spend by walking around is far less of a concern than the amount of hours in the day that it eats up. At present, the stables seem FAR less valuable than building, say, an extra workshop or garden in that slot.

Hey GrimDark, Raslar here and I have one question about MoR. Do you plan to add mod support or is there like any mods already available for the game? I was just curious because while the game is WIP right now and still being worked on, there is only a few things that non-patrons can do in-game so i was wondering if there was any mods available or any mod compatibility to add to the game to add more content?

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