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Well ahh you know sometimes you see a cute little snail on the road, and you just pick it up and put it in the grass so no one steps on it.
Ofc you probably won't remember the snail years later; you're not really friends. But in that moment  you cared enough, and I think that's fine. I guess sometimes we're preoccupied with our own troubles to notice others. But we do what we can. The snail might be a bad analogy haha (it probably is lol) but I really don't think there's a need to think too deeply about caring for others lol.

Sorry about what you're going through, I have an online friend in a similar situation - it sucks... Though we are alive, so we still have the ability to do what we can. Anyways, thanks for playing my silly little froggy story! No need to think too deeply about it, its not really meant to be relatable or anything haha. Also I don't think you're pathetic, just a human lol. All the best and may you one day be like the froggy in your pfp -silly and smiling :3

(3 edits) (+1)

Thanks for the reply! I just got really emotional while playing, especially at 3 AM, that happens sometimes, and for some reason i felt like an indie game comment section is a good place to vent. 

I wish all good things for you and for all people who feel lost like me. Maybe one day i'll make my own game and i'll mention you in the credits and/or add Froggy somewhere, as an npc, if you're ok with that. For some reason i feel like i should do that. Maybe it's because this game made me cry(which i'm doing rn), and my most favourite games are the ones that make me do that. 



Thanks! No worries about venting btw. And yes, I'm not opposed to my projects and characters used as inspiration for others' projects. That's the fun thing about media, it inspires other works haha. Regardless, all the best, little Berry! :3