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A member registered Dec 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Ahh it's been 26 days lol, but thank you so much for playing my whacky little story!

Aww thank you so much ^.^

Thank you very much! ^^

Aww thank you so much!

Thank you! Here's to more warm hearts 🎉💕

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much!  ^^

Hey! Like Froggy said, no reason is needed to care ^^
Thank you for playing and the lovely comment, it really makes me really happy and I'm happy for you! High school can be rough haha. Sometimes I think the world maybe goes too fast for a lot of people, but I think it's okay to go at your own pace and appreciate all the small silly things in life. Froggy pot is a special project to me too. Congrats on the two year(and many more to come) life progress!!

Thank you!

Thank you! :D

Aww you played froggy pot! Thank you ^^

And thank you for playing!

That's so nice of you, thank you!

Aww thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you! I'm honored q w q

Hihi I'm a littleee late but yes fan translation is ok! ^^

Aww thank you ^^

Thank you ^^ your english is great!

Thank you! Sometimes its hard to say what happens, but I hope she is okay :')

Thank you!!

Aaa thank you! You can do it :)!

Hi! Sorry for the late reply ><
Are you using windows or mac?
On mac download it should be .app but the windows downloaded version uses .exe, there should be 2 versions you can download on the download page!

Thank you for playing! ^^

Thank you! :3 💕

Thank you for the wholesome comment hahah ☃️💕

Thank you so much :)!

Thank you for playing! :3☃️

Thank you for playing ^^!

Hi! Yeah of course :)

Thank you! ❤️

Thank you so much!!


I'd love to, but currently I don't think translation/localizations are within the scope of what I can manage now.. Maybe one day if I have more time to work on these things, but it is not my priority as of now haha

Thank you though, I'll definitely consider them if I can someday!

Hey! Sorry this reply was a little late, I'm not online often haha. Though my game isn't meant to be specific to depression/trauma or anything, if you think it can help others I'm okay with it:)

But I don't know if it would be a very good mental health tool haha, since everyone experiences struggles so differently. Depression and trauma are not easy at all.  Hope the sessions go well for you and the kids(teens? xD) hahah

Heheh no eggs for easter

thank you hahah : 3

Thank you! ☃️ ❤️

Hello! Yes, that is alright with me as long as its stated as fanmade :) thanks!

Thank you and congrats on your first video! 🐢

( ◜‿◝ )♡