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A member registered Dec 25, 2023

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(3 edits)

Thanks for the reply! I just got really emotional while playing, especially at 3 AM, that happens sometimes, and for some reason i felt like an indie game comment section is a good place to vent. 

I wish all good things for you and for all people who feel lost like me. Maybe one day i'll make my own game and i'll mention you in the credits and/or add Froggy somewhere, as an npc, if you're ok with that. For some reason i feel like i should do that. Maybe it's because this game made me cry(which i'm doing rn), and my most favourite games are the ones that make me do that. 


Funny, i mahaged to convince Froggy to leave the pot, but i never managed to leave it myself. Unlike him, i never really had any important people, or either i don't feel like i have any, so this part isnt very relatable. Even though i experience a lot of fears and anxieties about stuff like the future - exams, finding a job, getting drafted, maybe dying in some stupid war. And just like him i don't really know what i like, oe even who i am. Everything is so scary. If i was in his place, i would stay in that pot. But, well, already doing that, rotting alive. The last few months, or maybe years, feels like the same grey day.

I don't think i'm sorry if anyone finds my comment disgusting, pathetic or disturbing. Sure, it is, and i am, but who are you to judge strangers on the internet. In the end of the day, that's what we are. Strangers. I lied when saying i care about Froggy, and i feel like most people lie when they say they care about others.

Anyway, thanks Cantusmori for making this game.