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(2 edits)

This is the text that appears under 'x self', where it lists the user as a master thief.

We played as a group of three, and none of us are inexperienced with text-based games. Your comment that it's a "thinking person's" game wasn't particularly nice.

Here is where we ran up against issues: we didn't consider worms to be 'meat', so looking for a worm in the apple wasn't something we were expecting (again, this as a group of three people). We tried to bait animals, search for birds in the tree and fish in the lake before trying combinations of verb/noun and cutting the apple.

Throwing a rock from one room to another wasn't an action we expected (especially as you highlight that the user 'throws like a girl'). The text which clued us to throw the rock from another room was the troll noticing you throw the rock, and the troll being noticed from the cave.

Ooh, you're right. I forgot all about that.

Your team thought about it, tried unusual things and ultimately solved it. That's pretty normal for any adventure. So, are you saying it was too hard? I can't make it TOO easy, or there would be no challenge and it would be no fun to play.

It'd just be a few adjustments to the text. Something like changing the troll's demand from 'meat' to 'worms' or 'maggots' or something. Changing the throw message. For the most part the game is pretty sturdy, it's just about eliminating unintentional red herrings.