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Hello, I am really curious to see if I can pitch an idea for extra customisation I don't see many do.

and that's prop, in particular that change based on key inputs, so for example a single png that sits in front of the avatar, but when pressing down a button it will change or play an animation till this button is released then it reverts back, which could allow a hug amount of possibilities and depth to scene created

you can already do this! If you put your idle prop in one layer and the animated prop in another layer, then you can switch between them using a State with your preferred keybind and the "While Held" option

So I did get the idea working and working well, but I realized I can only bind keyboard input. I cannot have a hotkey as a mouse bind, like left-click or right-click, and controller binds, for the project idea I have.

This program does have the closest feature and has been incredibly intuitive so far, and I have enjoyed seeing what it's able to do. Is there a way to allow more flexible bindings for hotkeys, like mouse buttons, including left and right click, along with controller input for hotkey inputs?

I'll see what i can do!