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(2 edits)

January 9th end of day update

Did a lot of cleanup stuff.
made a kill counter
added in music and sound effects
made a system for changing levels
made a batter kill animation
finalized a tutorial and level 1 (would post a video, but I don't want to spoil how to solve them)

goals for tomorrow
- shadow trail
- score/combo system
- title screen
- smoke bomb
- make kill animation vary depending on direction
- expand on level changing system
- more levels?
- someone who tested it recommended checkpoints since it was pretty hard to complete a level in 1 go. Maybe consider an easy mode with those.
- go back and look over blood spray and maybe mess with it a bit more (if there's time)
- add instruction to the menu page

- very extra goal -> look into love2D / GLSL shaders (I have absolutely no idea how they work)