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this is a amazing mod one of the best ideas
this is constructive criticism
1. i do think the staybility should be maybe 1.5x/2x more since mine some times comes of track on a flat straight track at 50mph with just one coal trailer and it also derailed on 2 90corners at 18mph
2. also would be cool if you could put in the NS GP33ECO Or even just a skin on a exsiting one
3. Maybe a wider flat bed or one that you can make wider so you can put a combine on it  since ik it happens IRL

(1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback, my thoughts

1. I have not had that issue on the straights.. I have had freight trains of 50 or more cars and passenger trains at 50mph on straights with no issues.. are you sure you are getting the track lined up perfectly? If you dont, it will cause derailments. 

I am trying to make them as realistic as possible, not like the in game train that is very unrealistic. irl you cant speed through corners, 5 degree you can go thru pretty fast, but the 10, 20, 30 and 90s are all very sharp in the railroad world. You wont be able to speed thru them.

2. That NS locomotive looks sweet! It looks like the GP33ECO is a rebuild of a GP50? I dont have a model of a GP50.. do they have an ECO unit of a GP38?

3. Hmmm I will have to look into that.. the flatbeds I have are the standard width for the rail and for the locomotives, I will have to see how they haul wide loads irl and see if I can create that!

Thank you again for the feedback

all i can think about it just random derailing is maybe got to do with Multiplayer
track looks perfect to me tbh

About the GP33/50 there is one YT  vid that says   NS GP38

But this is a super good mod Keep Up The Good Work :)

I THINK.. I figured out a way to make them a lot more stable and hopefully derail less! Its not for sure yet, I am still working on it. but in testing I was only able to go about 30-35mph with a single locomotive prior. with this new technique, I was able to take the same corner at 45mph with no derailment. I will do more testing and hopefully this will be a major stability update for the pack!

I have not done any testing of them in MP as I dont play MP, so if youre using them on MP and youre experiencing major derailments.. Could you try the same map in single player and test it? Idk if thats possible with the exact same map and save game or not? Idk if any kind of lag or anything in MP would effect them?

Hmmm that looks like the ECO model is a GP60 in that vid with some old UP GP38s. Lemme look closer at NS roster and see if they have any ECO projects in the GP38 or even SD40 or something and I will see what I can do! I am also planning on adding NS heritage units at some point

Thank you! I am glad youre enjoying them, I hope this next update makes them so so much better!

Ah nice
yes seems to be a tiny bit more stable in SP
does not seem to just random derail as much still does every so often but a lot less
about the GP train sorry i live in the UK so don't know much about the diffrences Lmao
i just like the skin/paintjob of the NS Eco that green and black looks nice
i'm just setting up a farm where The Train line goes from a selling point to the shop so i can transport new equipment and then in to the middle of my farm and i can use a excavator type thing to load the train up with Grain's
quick question how would i set up a sell point with the COAL Hopper? how would i empty in to it

Yeah I havent done any testing in MP, but hopefully this next update will improve it in MP as well!
No no youre good man! The GP50 is quite a bit different looking than the GP38 model that I do have, butt I agree that Norfolk Southern ECO paint job looks fantastic! and I hope you enjoy your train line for use on your farm! the Coal hoppers can unload from underneath, so any sell point that is in the ground (even the in game sell point I think is what I have used?) you should be able to unload the coal cars into a sell point below

Deleted 35 days ago