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A member registered 20 days ago

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Ah nice
yes seems to be a tiny bit more stable in SP
does not seem to just random derail as much still does every so often but a lot less
about the GP train sorry i live in the UK so don't know much about the diffrences Lmao
i just like the skin/paintjob of the NS Eco that green and black looks nice
i'm just setting up a farm where The Train line goes from a selling point to the shop so i can transport new equipment and then in to the middle of my farm and i can use a excavator type thing to load the train up with Grain's
quick question how would i set up a sell point with the COAL Hopper? how would i empty in to it

all i can think about it just random derailing is maybe got to do with Multiplayer
track looks perfect to me tbh

About the GP33/50 there is one YT  vid that says   NS GP38

But this is a super good mod Keep Up The Good Work :)

this is a amazing mod one of the best ideas
this is constructive criticism
1. i do think the staybility should be maybe 1.5x/2x more since mine some times comes of track on a flat straight track at 50mph with just one coal trailer and it also derailed on 2 90corners at 18mph
2. also would be cool if you could put in the NS GP33ECO Or even just a skin on a exsiting one
3. Maybe a wider flat bed or one that you can make wider so you can put a combine on it  since ik it happens IRL