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Ok, yeah, this game is fucking unplayably bugged. Transformations don't work and are required for progress. Yet the dev seems to think there aren't any game-breaking bugs.


It's what happens when you cater to the yes-men patrons. This game screams badly designed, from a code standpoint even, like all the typos or how some of the newer chapter 3 characters are locked behind the fucking prelude section of chapter 3, making them completely inaccessible. How do you not catch shit like that during play-testing? Is there even a play-test phase?

And what I've gathered from scrounging around for dom pc content is that there's no goal, you're just doing what you're told with a vague promise of "returning to your world". So good luck deciphering what the fuck to do with all the cryptic shit that's said, a quest journal that barely gives any info, and no guides

(2 edits) (+1)

I have noticed that a lot of devs just never playtest WIPs at all. They think it's entirely the job of the people who play it to discover and report even the most obvious and game-breaking of bugs. But this is even worse, because we are finding bugs and the dev is just saying "nah there aren't any." Not "Sorry, I haven't been able to reproduce that so I'm not sure how to fix it." but just "No, you're wrong, it's not bugged."