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Huh, an unlocker mod..? I can't say I'd use it, as figuring out where CG is hiding/hidden conversations is part of the fun in VN for me. But it seems useful, cool seeing stuff like that crop up. So, where to begin -

I really liked Ashdown covering for Woes at that rather awkward lunch. They're definitely more sympatico, though, I have to agree with Woes - some of Ashdown's fun facts aren't entirely fun, ahaha, ha... Life sure is hard...

And though it may have been a Gargantua-n mistake, Noman is a very interesting person already. Some of the stuff he said lines up with what I've been thinking, although the fact that he's said it directly means I'm also second-guessing myself. I wonder what his method is, that it revolts other people so much..? If his reading material is any indication - hah.

But I guess that puts the reader in opposition to the Gamemasters, then? If the reader finds every character likable, in their own way. Or, does that mean... Hmnnnn, hold that thought. I'm gonna wait for more information before floundering about at random.

Speaking of, the leitmotif for him (and Rustle!) is really good. And that's in a sea of good music.

One other thing, though Ens is/was definitely a more skillful/driven leader of the Low Rankers' Revolt, Mackle is sympathetic in her own way. Great nails, Mackle.

But most interesting to me - and this was a very interesting update - was the new bios added. What the heck was Rows gonna ask?..
(Similarly, depending on who the Gamemaster/s asking the questions were, what an interesting response to Mackle's discussion of her method.)

The man, the myth, the legend, Killersoul's interview was entirely what I expected, and yet even more transcendent. You do you, Killersoul.

I also really like the rulebook as a feature; it's another one of those cool, immersive things that I kind of wish more games, especially more mysteries, would have on hand.

Anyway, that was quite a lot from me; remember to take it easy, to stay hydrated, and if the backgrounds are proving a challenge, don't overtax yourself. Looking forward to 'em!


I probably wouldn't use it either, but I guess it could be useful if for whatever reason you lost your save data after completing the game. That was what I assumed people would use an officially LockedOn Sanctioned Unlocker Feature™ for.

I should probably reveal Noman's method soon, I don't want people's minds to go to extremely disgusting places when it's really only slightly revolting. Then again maybe it's better that way. In conclusion, don't ask how Horcruxes are made.