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I am so happy for another MeYaoi game. You guys have great humor. I'm already loving the demo as I play. Ugh, I just want to snuggle Finn and Klein and Noir. *Finn runs away* Nuuu!! Get back here you sexy fishy. xD


Yosh. After having met all creatures in the, I just want them all. As always, MeYaoi, you find ways to make every character interesting and adorable in some way. I feel like I could easily date every one of them. Though still my heart is most dedicated to Finn, Noir, Ginger, and Klein. <3

Happy to hear that you're liking the demo so far! XD

Yep. Was only sad that I couldn't get my social up to spend time with Finn. Curse you, you shall not escape me, you sexy silly fish man! >xD

*runs off into the distance chasing a scared Finn, while Ginger runs behind chasing happily after me. Klein and Noir just stand back and shake their head in exasperation*

Gah, wish I was rich enough to afford a npc. Ah well, beta access shall be enough. Thank you again for this amazing new game. =)