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A member registered Jan 17, 2017

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(1 edit)

Really loved it. I'm actually wiping a few tears away at the moment, myself. My MC is such a contradiction. Gentle and charming with those he cares about, but also rather feisty and confrontational. Poor Keiran...they are about to get a fierce but loving fiance. Like...adopting a cat. Only its a human prince.

So when do we get to storm Dad's office and threaten for answers?

The Lunar King thinks I'm a little Lamb for the slaughter, but this Lamb might be his worst nightmare. =P

I see Uncle sent his spies to vote me down. Lol

Well, now I have three precious guys to play a route for. Hopefully we'll get more story content and not wait a while because of these side stories. ^^'

From what I gather, they are half-siblings with different mothers.

Yay! This definitely looks promising and I'm happy about the future options. I definitely adore Auberon. I will be his number one supporter. xD

Honestly, I'm more angry and determined to kill the Uncle then the Empire. Will the cursed royal be set as oppositie your mc's gender? I usually more a m/m player then a f/m. Just curious.

I'm really going to have to date both of these precious boys. Honestly. Though I hope going either route, you can maintain your friendship with the other. Specially don't want to lose Cyfrin. He's perfect ro material in his route, and best friend in the other. <3

I did laugh how he panicked over holding our hand, when he's hugged us twice already without warning. Like really, Cy? You've hugged me twice now, why are you freaking out over holding my hand comfortingly without permission? lol. xD

Well, not who I thought it would be. But god damn, just as good. My little half-elf is practically vibrating with happiness at the arrival of their rescuer.

If nothing else, I demand him be a lifelong friend and ally. lol

Replayed from the beginning. God this IF is such a masterpiece. As always, I'm almost more invested in just the relationship with Arthur then any ros. lol. But I did so much adore Gally and especially the dance at the end of the demo. And darn you, Gawain! You are the best/worst wingman ever. xD

I think its one of those coats with a really long coat-tail. Which...actually fits his unique flare. xD

MC: *gently lays a rug over the area* It was the tv, sir.

Landlord: And the shaking of the entire building?

MC: Well, the volume might have been a little to loud.... *scratches neck*

Landlord: *sus but MC has always been very neat, reliable, and by the book as far as a tenent goes* Just...keep it down from now on.

MC: Absolutely, sir.

(2 edits)

Well fffffffffffffffffuuuuu- Our poor baby Flea. My own MC is going to feel a lot of self-hatred and guilt over this. For not being stronger. For not being able to handle that wraith. For things getting out of hand like that. For putting Flea in such a situation. And for being the root cause behind Flea's newest fate. Sure, he would have missed him dearly, but he wouldn't have stopped Flea from going home. He's definitely fallen in love with Flea.

On a side note, loved all the fluff and yes! Finally bought Flea some clothes. And cooks for him. They are practically married now, whether either accepts it or not. Also loved that my MC was happy to approach and first aid despite Flea's trick being dropped. <3

Meanwhile, the landlord is started to suspect that MC is keeping some very large unauthorized dogs or something in his apartment. *sees the large gash marks in the floor* VERY large dogs.

Yay! Glad to have more. Sounds like I might replay the story from the beginning again with all the edits and changes. I do hope your hands are doing ok. Love the work that you do with this story.

Probably a book. Most likely the Lusty Argonian Maid.

Ah, I see. Yeah, I tend to love some red flag ros in fiction but they would never get a chance in rl. That's the fun of fiction. Though so far, TUG is a solid no either way. Thanks for answering. Honestly, Thomas already calls to my heart and will probably be my main RO. 

Awe, thx. Poor Arthur. xD

Only if you want to. It's no big deal. lol

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It was perfect. Just two little kids, trying to take a wee in the woods at the unfortunately exact same time. I'm only sad that when my MC found Arthur in his home later, he couldn't say "Pervert! What are you doing in my house!?" to poor Arthur. But its still in my mind the perfect beginning of their friendship and love. Just wait till their future adopted kids ask them how they first met. xD

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Ha, I dislike ppl that abuse kids. Definitely best way to get me riled up against a character or group. Specially the ones eyeing the half-elf MC in...other more twisted ways.

And phew. Glad cause Arthur is my main RO in this. MC and his romance already began arguing over whose a pervert in an obviously innocent accidental situation. xD

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I swear if anything happens to MC and Telio, I will find a way to physically enter the world of this story and beat to death all those bastards.

On a side note, I hope that choosing to want to help Arthur one day with his little flower project (with the heart beating from his smile) was the sort of oblivious flirting option. I love the idea of oblivious flirting when they are so young. Far to young yet for actual intentional flirting in my opinion. lol But the smiling emoji face was hard to determine if that marked it as romantic or platonic.

Sweet. Thanks and sorry if that was a weird question. xD

I can't wait, honestly. ^_^

*evil cackling* Yufei is going to have so much fun pushing Qiangxin to see if he can get that composure to snap, then gay panic when he's successful. Bad Chihuahua! You always dig your own grave! (but he secretly likes it) Out of Qiangxin a dom/sub/switch? Is it up to the player? I prefer my mcs to be subs.

On a side note, I see a lot of talk about red and green flag romances. I'm a bit confused by this? Can someone explain this to me. (I mean, I get the idea of red flags irl. So I assume its similar...?)

Just pre-ordered. You know...I wasn't sure how I felt about Edward. But after what I've read in the nsfw I want to give him a chance. I'd say the only one that's a solid no for me would be the Uninvited Guest. xD

Side note, I read the Qiangxin mini story of yours. Its the best. The way you wrote the Xiaowei perfectly aligns with my Yufei, and now I can't wait for all the chances for Yufei to flirt himself into a corner with Qiangxin. Cause he will 100% do that, then gay panic when Qiang pulls the uno reverse card on him. xD

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Who let the Welsh peasant use a computer? :P

Sadistic? Naaah... Justifiably petty after that bag on head treatment? Definitely. He's got issues about being looked down on. But Qiangxin just needs to give him some head pats and protect him from his trauma, and he'll be the most loyal and loving companion. He needs someone to be loyal to, cause he sure isn't loyal to the Emperor or his dear parents.

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Hahaha. 🤣 My Yufei is really that way when it comes to a fight. In fact, he already wants a rematch with Qiangxin because he doesn't want the Prince to think he's weak and is determined to prove he can hold his own against the man. He's the type to get his ass handed to him repeatedly, yet still come running back for round two. 

Also, he wants to get Qiangxin to laugh again. It's now a silent obsession. I just imagine my MCs three main go-to expressions around the prince are completely enthralled, playful grinning, or angry pouting. Lol.

And yesssss, those pups have no idea what a beat down they are going to get. MC is a Xiaowei after all, and I'd say for being unarmed and unarmored, to hold his own as long as he did with Qiangxin is impressive. They are getting a big reality check if they think my Yufei is weak. 

I literally gave the prince a human Chihuahua with snark and said "good luck"!

(6 edits)

Loving this so much. My Xiaowei is going down hard for the prince. Lol. Question is, can said prince handle the epitome of a wiseass, smiling to hide his trauma MC with the fighting spirit of a Chihuahua that doesn't realize it's in over it's head? Lol

God, I hope my Yufei gets a chance at petty, semi-evil revenge on the puppies. Just one friendly spar with his spear, please. I want him to take the whole group down in one-v-group battle and then lecture them with a smirk on proper military discipline and combat. (How has my MC lived as long as he has with such a mouth. Lol.)

I'm glad you're doing better mentally. I've had my own mental battles in the past, so I understand. I hope you continue to improve and find that new norm for yourself once again.

I want more of Ted bullying my Detective about his new 'boyfriend'. xD

Of course. We demand sour and sweet. Only way Flea can continue to worm his way into my detective's heart. Just like the cat. Detective seems to have a weakness for pretty and bratty. xD

(7 edits)

God, that was perfect. Flea did exactly what I hoped he would do and saved my dumb Detective from a stupid, anger driven mistake. Then said Detective discovered some new unfortunate kinks that night, ones he'll probably deny to the end of days . But at the same time, he's starting to really fall for Flea.

I just love that I can play this hot/cold, snarky, stubborn, lonely and repressed detective who is falling hard for Flea despite his better judgement. I love that he can deny everything, but secretly is completely becoming wrapped around Flea's finger. He's already offering to cook for him and would even probably buy Flea clothes and give him a key to his place. And he'd probably do it all without realizing he was doing it. And then die of embarrassment if Ted points it out to him.

However...Flea is NEVER to mention the spanking again. He definitely did NOT like it. And that's all that should be said. He also absolutely did not like the 'leash'.....................Oh god... *detective dies shamefully in a corner blushing*

Also, thank you for the praise kink! Flea deserves praise and love.

Definitely want to see more. I totally want to go the angle of a workaholic detective who's somewhat prudish and shy, but very much attracted and secretly thirsty for Flea. (ok, my detective might be a bit of a tsundere)

I love a good mystery game with bromance xD

Disney would like to hire you. xD

Thx about the php. They are my OTC. 

And yes...true relationship goals. Now I'm just imagining Carter casually at the dinner table, reading the newspaper while antics occur around him and then a toaster goes flying just past the top of his head. Probably mentally cursing himself for ever introducing R and MC to each other. xD