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Given the size and lack of "action" of the past few updates it seems like Hyao might be getting tired of expanding this game. Especially with all the dead end WIP areas.


I mean every patch at the very least something new comes out right?, this game has already gone for 5 years and that in itself is already a huge achievement, just trust in the process and be patient. 


I really like to see people making assumptions. 
I'm just one person. I have my own life, my own troubles and things I'm going through. 
The scale of the project is big. Some areas didn't get any attention for a while, but it doesn't mean I forgot about them. Sometimes it's difficult to write, so I'm focusing on the things that I feel like working the most at the moment. Maybe not the best approach, but at least it makes it easier for me.
I don't like to answer to comment like this, because anyone can have their own opinion. You don't have to like the game, but at least don't leave comments like "Hyao might be". 
I'm doing what I can.


The enormous amount of work that goes into creating a game is often overlooked. You do not owe anyone an explanation; you are doing a great job, so please keep up the good work. I will be here to see this game grow into a masterpiece one day; do not let the haters get to you; there will always be that one person. Your personal well-being comes first, regardless of your project. I sincerely appreciate everything you have done. ❤️


You're doing great, I feel like the vast majority of us who have been here for years are understand you have a life, and love that here putting out content. 


your doing what you can and what you can do is already insane. I have played a lot of promising games (in my opinion they were at least) and most of them either finish at a much sooner point that you did, or abandoned the game because they couldn't do it anymore, didn't want to do it anymore or left and basically scammed people on patreon/itch or whatever they do, and making certain no one knows what the hell happened to them. sometimes they even just delete the game without saying anything and no one even notices.

also another thing, your writing the ENTIRE game in English and if I remember correctly you said English isn't your first language, meaning your adding all this stuff and writing better than people who have spoke English since childhood! that's kinda fucking crazy.

also why would focusing on what you want to update instead of specific things you "would need to do" be inefficient? if you didn't want to do it you might end up procrastinating or burning out REALLY fast. just do what you can. I was gonna add some motivational quote here but I forgot it mid typing so I'm just gonna repeat your doing great lol.


just rest if u tired, health is the most important thing so don't try too hard, we can wait ur update later, love u :3


Hello Hyao, I just wanna say I love your game ❤️. I've been playing it for some time now and i can't really deny that I'm a little worried you may not update it. As you said, you need time, you're doing what you can, and don't worry, this comment of yours actually made me glad knowing you didn't forget this project of yours. Take your time, and take care of yourself, we will wait. I guess we will set aside our "lustful desires" for now.... hehe.


*rubs belly for goodest programing puppy*

*gives Hyao a bone 😉*


can you explain what you mean by "action"? because I can't see what is lacking. 

and the dead ends and WIP's are only that because due to one of 2 things, the first is that area's plot has yet to be developed and it could be an important place/it would not make any sense for us to enter that place yet. the second is that it's an unimportant place/event and will get an update but since that area doesn't have lore being added at that moment it would take away from time to continue writing the important stuff.

The game is massive. There are always going to be WIP areas until it's finished.


Hyao the best programing doggo is doing his best, as certain stories are from guest writers an so cant really add content to them without those peoples inputs.

Plus he is doing this solo, besides guest writers an artists doing the visuals. Hyao is doing all the program stuff an making sure build are working properly.