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I'm sorry to hear the inconvenience you have to go through as the risk of mild controversial content in the game, it will be another lesson for us fellow developers. As I don't use Patreon, so I'll comment here. 

I like the one with "A Silhouette of His Skin", rather than the other more revealing alternative title (kinda spoiler to the story). The other easier option in my mind is to only slightly change the considered offensive part of the title (in which I bet it was the religion). It has some synonyms that could still work with "Your Brother's...", such as "faith", "doctrine", "beliefs", "creed", "pursuit", even "obsession".

Ah! Thanks for the feedback. Using a synonym is a really good idea.  Obsession is an equally strong word, I might consider using that or A Silhouette of His Skin. Again, thanks for the response.