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I completely agree with what SphaeriCactus said. Personally I never managed to bounce on more than one enemy, but I felt the vulnerability to fall from very high after destroying many enemies, definitely adrenaline.

As for the new enemy, it's a simple opponent to understand but difficult to manage in large quantities, which for now has never happened. Since I've never seen more than one at a time, which makes it easy to destroy.

A very funny thing is to die while falling because of a bullet that the new enemy fired, maybe just before he died.

You definitely have to go on like this, I can't wait to see what you'll do next time ^^

Thanks :) and sorry for the late reply, the thing with the new enemy is that i didn't wanted to go too crazy for now just to see what the spawns were like when you have the standard diving ennemies mixed with the shooting one, but i can allways adjust this later on.

I did not cath that enemy firing just before death thing, i'll see how i can patch this if i can figure it out.