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(1 edit)

Dear Jagonz, may I have plugin suggestion? I love all your work you did for RPG Bakin, and this is one of those things that is very useful and I'm surprised that it hasn't been implemented in the program by the creators yet (unless I don't know something), and I'm sure you can do this... To the point: I would like the game to open a window with a list of items (like inventory screen), where after selecting this item, its item id value is assigned to the selected variable. This could be useful for many things, like "simple item select", or "use key on door" or "give item" to the NPCs. What do you think? 

Deleted 32 days ago

I think this can be done by default in Bakin, but, I'm not entire sure. I'm going to take a look when I have some free time!

Oh...really? I could find that option, maybe I'm missingsomething again. Okay, thank you so much ,I'll try to look for this too!