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Hi, I´ve watched the video of Iron Pineapple recently, and I loved the game, so I decided to give it a try on my own. I´ve downloaded the game here, but as I can see, this is a completely different game to the one Iron Pineapple played in his video: starting from the introduction and on to the main setting, first level etc. 
Is this intentional or are there differnt versions of the game? For in the one I´ve downloaded, there´s no shield at the beginning, the sword is found only after you speed dodge three groups of mobs, and all the elites are too powerful to defeat with a single sword, which makes the gameplay rather difficult. 
Would appreciate any comment on this and thanks a lot for working on such a cool game! I really like the aesthetics :)


I also was wondering about the difference. The page was updated a few days ago so it might have been changed then?


Hello! Unfortunately, Iron Pineapple recorded the video before publishing it, when there was still the old demo for testers (fortunately, he liked it). Although the old demo represented the setting of Stonemachia very well, it was not suitable for showcasing the aspect of the chess pieces. Therefore, about a month ago, it was replaced by the current one, which is shorter and more concise but, in my opinion, better showcases certain aspects.

In the initial stages, the shield is essential and the sword is useful for dealing "cheap damage," so initially, it's not very powerful. Try the arena mode to better understand what I mean!

Everything you've seen in Iron Pineapple's demo will return much richer and more polished in the full game! The Steam page will be released soon, so keep an eye out for it!

Thank you for trying out the demo.


I really look forward to the steam release. This truly feels inspired and I love it.

It was such a great review from Iron Pineapple to a really beautiful game. I will definatly stick around for the journey and hope to experience the content shown in the review for myself.

Thank you very much for making this pearl.


Thank you for all the support! You can't even imagine how much it motivates us.

The game is Wishlistable on Steam :)
Every wishlist helps more people see the game!


Hi, thank you for getting back to me with a reply, I appreciate it. 
It makes sense now :) 
Hopefully, I'll manage to find the shield, coz the sword, as you've pointed it out, is good for cheap damage only haha
Looking forward to seeing your game on Steam as well, as it will definitely bring more attention to your product!

Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you know that Stonemachia is now available to wishlist on Steam!