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A member registered 35 days ago

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Hi, thank you for getting back to me with a reply, I appreciate it. 
It makes sense now :) 
Hopefully, I'll manage to find the shield, coz the sword, as you've pointed it out, is good for cheap damage only haha
Looking forward to seeing your game on Steam as well, as it will definitely bring more attention to your product!

Hi, I´ve watched the video of Iron Pineapple recently, and I loved the game, so I decided to give it a try on my own. I´ve downloaded the game here, but as I can see, this is a completely different game to the one Iron Pineapple played in his video: starting from the introduction and on to the main setting, first level etc. 
Is this intentional or are there differnt versions of the game? For in the one I´ve downloaded, there´s no shield at the beginning, the sword is found only after you speed dodge three groups of mobs, and all the elites are too powerful to defeat with a single sword, which makes the gameplay rather difficult. 
Would appreciate any comment on this and thanks a lot for working on such a cool game! I really like the aesthetics :)