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I'm not wasting time to explain everything I've posted, so here's a link. i list abilities by first buy-able to last unlockable.

i have another class idea: the Warlord. the Warlord wields that hammer and has several other abilities his abilities would be:

Passive:when its only a few tough enemies left, he enters a frenzy, surrounding his hammer head with laser energy. his overall movement speed is reduced by 10%, and is applied to you even during his frenzy

Super Smash: releases an area of effect hammer smash that either knocks enemies to the ground or unbalances them really hard. takes 2 energy to use

Hammer Spin: allows the player to spin in a 360` arc, launching and hurting all enemies. takes 1 energy and requires the player to hold the attack button for a couple seconds.

Rocket Launcher: you rocket at the enemies and swing your hammer upward, sending the enemy (or whats left of him) flying. takes 2.5 energy and requires jet-pack and 3 total energy.

just something i came up with.