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So fkn sudapilled, it made me kinda horny.
I understood about as much as I did in 25th Ward, but that's totally fine when the presentation is this strong and constantly surprises me with another layer of insanity.

If I'd criticize anything, it'd be to rethink the text scrolling in from the center: it makes it pretty much impossible to read before all of it is done scrolling in. But yeah, aside from that, straight fire. Love the structure, the vibes and even the concepts; whether those are wholly original or not (they aren't, who cares?).


I am a total sudafan through and through!

The style was definetly inspired by 25th ward. 

But the funniest thing i came up with the ideas for the story before i even discovered silver case, i only found about it by looking up one of the character names. I was shocked by how many thoughts and plot points i had were present in those games, but described much better. Though, it definetly affected some details of the plot afterwards.

Really glad you liked it!