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Seems like a charming game. Is the jump really that powerful that it needs a 10 second cooldown? I also got confused at the shadow guy outright killing you if you get too close, it happened on the second run and I thought it was bugged at first. Also getting stuck between the piggus is nasty they just sort of stunlock you hard, if only my jump didn't have a 10 second cooldown. Some text for the abilities would be great, what do I get, what does it mean, what will I get if I pick an upgrade over a new ability?

>Is the jump really that powerful

An ability that allows you to ignore all the damage for a short while is indeed powerful and should be used to get out situations that would cause death, you generally want to stay away from enemies and try not got get surrounded.

All abilities have upgrades and information for each skill is on the list to be added!