Hey Gif, I have some questions and feedback, I hope you have the time to read this
Questions; The additional enemies like the wurm and succubus, will they get side animation aswell? I hope so I think the wurm especially is pretty cool
Your display page cursor, could you share it with us? It looks great and would fit our game UI nicely
Feedback: I noticed your spritesheets are a little strange, such as the divisible frames keeps the characters on the bottom of the spritesheet, and alot of the other asset packs tilemaps are cut evenly, are there plans to revamp this so its easy to just download and import to our projects? At the moment its gonna take a fair amount of work to fit project requirements
Otherwise the packs are pretty good, I would love to see more packs even if that means buying another bundle, such as more unique enemies
If you took the time to read this appreciated :)