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Item Ideas:

I know I said I wasn't gonna talk about items and instead more about story. But these ideas popped into my head. 

Pad Lock: This is technically an Echo fighter for handcuffs lol. Or should I say, Echo Item? Can I coin that term? Basically its locks your items, but you can use your items after any opponent has shot you with 2 blanks.

Gift Box: Gives you a random item. Could be either good or AMAZING. I'll have to balance this item out with money cost haha.

Story Update: 

I would like to discuss some lore of my world that i have completed for the story, but not too much to where it would break. 


Depending on your choices, You will find a thing called a wish stone. No one really know where it came from, but it's a stone that everyone wants. However, everyone is too scared to catch it. Why? Because it's being guarded in a castle by a...


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The wish stone used to be heavily guarded with a lot of people, but due to some unfortunate circumstances, everyone tried to get the wish stone. But their lives didn't last long. 

I t   w o u l d  h a v e  b e e n  b e t t e r  f o r  t h e m  t o  k i l l  t h e m s e l v e s  t h e n  t o  e x p e r i e n c e  t h e  h o r r o r   I n  t h e  c a s t l e. 


A house owned by a man named Ruvy has been pretty much the talk of south side. It's been noted for the weird and creepy sounds that come from it. Someone even heard a scream from the house. If you choose to break in you can go down in the basement and find 4 cells and some deformed dead body strapped to a chair. These four cells have some interesting history. Three of the other cells have a bunch of deformed dead bodies as well, but the fourth is differentThere's some thing in that cell. It has unintelligible speech, and constantly laughs. However what's scarier is the words "experiments failed" written with chalk on the wall and below it is a bunch tally marks counting up to 100.

Ok now to be honest, there's more stories I would like to talk about, but I wanna keep the rest hidden... for now.