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First of all I love the fact that you incorporated inventory management as well :) a tie is a tie!

Now the game: it’s super cute, it’s juicy and the main loop is very enjoyable! I did encounter some bugs after a while: some items ended up in a different inventory slot instead of where I wanted to put them down and when I reached 5000 points I couldn’t put down the item from my hand (not even in the bin) even though there was free space for it; but I still enjoyed playing Monster Quest a lot. It’s rare to see something this polished in a TriJam (although you did 10x the suggested time window, but hey, good on you for riding the motivation-wave :).


Thanks for the bug reports! I didn't come across many myself.. so it's good to know! And yeah I went over.. a tad hehe!


In case you're interested in Monster Quests's post jam development, you can wishlist it on Steam right now!

Playtesting of the demo is on, if you're interested!

password = playtest