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A member registered Nov 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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Sorry yeah I meant Sega Master System!

Yeah! My post-jam version has that!

Yaaaay! I had fun making it too!

I'm glad you enjoyed!

Thank you for such lovely and positive comments!

Thank you!

The controls are really floaty but I think that's on purpose because space? The distance bar on the right is a great addition, as is not insta-dying when you hit an asteroid!

Looks great, sounds great! Amaaaazing!

Aww yeah a Pico 8 game! It's really unforgiving, you're immediately in the game (and dead!) haha!

I really dig the music and art style with this game!

Ooo a really interesting idea, making the level *as* you play it!

I think this game looks really good! A shame about the lack of sound effects. The controls are responsive and simple, I like!

Haha funny music and I like how the snowman shrinks over time as he melts. Really great idea for a control scheme!

(1 edit)

Ok wow this is great! I'd like it if the engine sound looped more satisfyingly but that's my own gripe. The game is fast and looks incredible, real eye-popping stuff! Amazing music too!

This game looks great, like an actual SMS game too!
I think it might be good if the camera followed the player rather than forcing you to go at the speed of level as it scrolls down. Like it's your choice if you want to go fast, risk vs reward. As it is there's no advantage to being at the top so you might as well stay in the middle.

A really cool idea! I think an engine sound would make this feel really kinetic!

This game looks sick, loving the polygon ship! Those lazers right in front of you at the start are my nemesis! The controls are a bit clunky but overall great job!

This game looks (and sounds) fantastic! It really feels like I'm playing a NES game!
It took me a hot minute to work out how to move, just spinning on the spot. Having it so that you need to press both left and right at the same time to move forward is difficult! But I suppose that's the point. A great entry!

This game looks great, especially the asteroids! The start beeps were a bit loud though!
I think this is the first game I've rated so far that actually felt fast (and that was without the super speed option ticked! I'd hate to see how crazy that would be!) Great concept!

The controls feel great! Was there only that single level or did I miss something?
The visuals looked blurry but I think that was a blood effect? I've noticed a few games using it and I'm not used to it.
Great music too!

Hello fellow Construct 2 creator!
The music was good and the sound when you hit an old person is funny!
I kinda wish the coffee boost would last a bit longer but overall a great idea!

Amazing music and great sound effects too! I was hoping I'd be able to speed up by holding W.
Also the visual seem really blurry? Or is that a bloom effect?

I like the controls being on screen. Do balloons really sound like that? Haha
Also is it wrong that I saw the balloon with a dagger and thought it was a powerful? Heck here I wannt be a hot air balloon with a weapon! Cool game!

Oh I think I misunderstood? It says under assets "Pixelorama", was that a progam you used to create them rather than a website to buy/download them?

Wow! Where abouts specifically did you get those assets? They look AMAZING!

I find it really difficult to walljump. Maybe I've just bad a video games. It feels like the jump is so fast and short and I'm still holding down right when he's trying to move left in the 2nd jump. Maybe just slow reactions? Amazing game though!

Super impressive for a 7 day jam or 48 hour jam.. but this was made in 3 hours???? I'm flabbergasted!
I'm thinking of trying out one of these jams.. I'd love some tips!

Wow this is really cool!

And to you!

Oh thank you. I see it's appeared now... I don't think it was there before.
Interesting theme!

Sorry if this was mentioned somewhere.

This looks so good! Could I possibly look into making a game based off of this concept, if you've discontinued it that is?

Is it possible for these variant tilesets to be included in the .zip or be made available some how? ^ This looks amazing!

Thank yoooou!

Did you make a day 1 game? I can't find any easy way to search for all of the C2 games?

Is there an easy way to find this out/list them via engine?

Is there an easy way to find this out/list them via engine?


I'm hoping to take part, but does anyone else use C2? I don't have C3.

Any idea when it might be run this year?

How about:
