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A member registered Aug 14, 2017 · View creator page →

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Love the new build with the additional music & art! Also I finally managed to beat the game :)

Wishlisted, HARD! Looking forward to trying the new build too.

Hi everyone! The game has received its first post-jam update, check out this devlog post for details :)

To check out what’s planned in the future, check out our public Taiga project for Attractaball!

:D apologies!

The screenshot I posted displays Tibor’s score :) it was 185.

Battle tested main mechanics implemented really well, brilliant art style (I had a bit of a Gravity Bone flashback), and it runs great on my 8 year old gaming laptop - that’s a 10/10 jam entry in my book :)

Holy crap, this looks absolutely delicious! I wish it was a bit longer though :)

(Also, my poor 1050 Ti laptop almost melted to the table, but managed to render about 20 frames per sec :)

Köszönjük szépen :)

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Remek cucc, egyedül játszva is stabil (próbáltam néha mindkét zöld pöttyöt irányítani, nem rossz kihívás :)

Ennél tovább nem sikerült ugyan jutni, de a “5 minutes of fun” bőven megvolt :)


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First of all congrats on your first Itch game, you’ve made a very cool survivorslike prototype! Enemy pathfinding/collisions work great too, although I have to say it took me 2 very short rounds to figure out the right movement strategy: I died very quickly when enemies crowded me (I guess that was one of the themes though :) and I couldn’t move anywhere. Maybe allowing to pass through enemies (possibly with a movement speed penalty) would be a better experience for players who are familiar to the genre (and are accustomed to certain mechanics like this).

My third attempt went a lot better - until I got a phone call and met my deathly destiny shortly after reaching level 15.

If you’re you planning on updating the game post-jam, I’d humbly suggest adding a pause and restart button before features/content :)

That’s a very interesting concept / base idea, too bad I’m too thick for this kind of mind-bending stuff… guess I can always go back to my old job as a dockworker, loading and unloading steamboats along a rogue river :)

I think you guys absolutely nailed it, I found this game to be exactly as stressful as the real life situation it simulates :)

Very clever idea and execution too!

I wanted to post my best score but my teammate Tibor just obliterated it, so here’s his:


The game is freaking awesome by the way, love the art style! For some reason now I’m thirsty for some overpriced beer…

Awesome concept and good execution too! It genuinely feels exciting, I love the bullet cam and the way the pedestrians move and react.

I did have a couple shots that really felt like they should’ve been hits and one time the bullet passed through the ground and continued for a few seconds, but otherwise I had no issues and the game was totally playable on my crappy i5-8xxx iGPU laptop.

Very nice entry with simple mechanics and cool cartoony art style. Congrats on finishing!

If the C-64 was high res… the game looks awesome, Sam! Gonna give it a a proper try soon :)

I learnt something today :) I had no idea that effect was called screendoor alpha, even though I just saw it in action fairly recently in Walaber’s Parking Garage Rally Circuit game and it looks really cool.

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Very cool! Colors remind me of CGA mode 4 palette 1, but a lot more pleasant :)

Thanks for trying our game, David! :) and your feedback is very much appreciated.

Hey David! Thank you for sharing these banging tunes under CC-BY.

We used a few tracks (and also some tracks from your Pink Bloom Synthwave Music Pack) in our little “rhythm miner” jam game:

Thanks again and have a good one! :)

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Határozottan irányíthatóbb, mint a csapkódó madaras “eredeti”. Kórházban nem játszanám, de amúgy szuper lett, gratula! :)

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Először is gratula az első játékodhoz, határozottan fun lett szerintem :)

Hozzáteszem, hogy a stream előtt ~1 órával mikor kipróbáltam, azt hittem, hogy tilos lemenni a betonról és nem árt elkerülni a villanyoszlopokat, aztán miután kideürlt, hogy nincs ilyesmiről szó, már jobban tudtam koncentrálni a célzásra :D

A rekordom viszonylag szerény, viszont tényleg sikerült valahogy kimenekülnöm a pályáról, mikor beállítottam :) image.png

Tök jó logikai játék! Bírom nagyon ezt a “fokozatosan redukálódó megoldási lehetőségek”-műfajt (nem tudom van-e rendes neve; a Sudoku / Nonogram vonalra gondolok). Negyed órára minimum odaragadtam még így is, hogy (ha jól éreztem) nem nehezedik / bonyolodik a cucc. De ha nehezedne / bonyolodna, tuti, hogy még jobban odaragadnék :)

Szupercuki cucc. A gyerkőc milyennek találta? :)

A mechanikák marha jók, a minimál stila is bejön mint az állat, de számomra brutál nehéz nem nekimenni a lila cuccoknak :) co-opban leteszteljük majd azért, ha jól láttam ott van revive is.

Egy lila cuccok darabszámát/mozgási sebességét korlátozó nehézségi fokozat választót nem szeretnél beletenni a hozzám hasonlóan béna filthy casual fajtára való tekintettel? :)

Such banging tunes, such awesome visuals! This game needs more levels/tracks.

Úr_isten. Ez NAGYON király cucc. Hibátlan. Na jó, lehetne több track/pálya, mert eszeveszett jó az első kettő. Terveztél jam után hozzácsapni még valamit? Ugye igen?

Kezdeném egyúttal a menőzést is (első próbálkozás, de a streamen láttam, ahogy Daniék tolják):

Very cool!

This is literally the best thing ever if you’re doing any kind of 2D stuff.

Cheers, dude! :) I just pushed an small update, removed the top spikes, added a timer timer and a few tweaks. “Felt cute, might update later.” Thanks for stopping by!

Well that’s an instant purchase if I ever saw one. Thanks for pushing the 3D related capabilities of Construct, Mikal & Federico!

Oh. My. Fracking God.


This needs to go places. Are you Hempuli or Petri Purho? Or both?

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Oh yeah, that’s due to the issue with the level generator. When the jam’s voting period is over, I’m going to have another crack at rewriting it so things like that shouldn’t happen. Thanks for the feedback :)


…although I kinda cheated a bit, by putting random items in a single pile after a while.

Very nice entry, great job guys!

Well, all I can say that even though I died a bunch of times I never felt frustrated and it was very rewarding to figure out the timing for the later levels. If you ever turn this game into something more fleshed out, I think the existing level layouts are perfect the way they are.

Well that was a challenge, but it was so satisfying to get to the end!

You are one super talented level designer I must say, and the UX is top notch as well; the automatic restart and the three count-in beeps work so much better then a dedicated restart button for this sort of game.

Congratulations, Trivity is definitely one of the best entries I’ve seen so far (and there are some really awesome ones)!

Such a neat game! I definitely felt the 2000s Flash/Shockwave game vibes too :)

As a fan of The Incredible Machine and Crayon Physics: holy crap, that’s awesome! The art and the level design is top notch, the sounds are satisfying, really the only tiny UX issue I had is the one someone else already mentioned (maybe pressing restart should automatically pause too). You did an excellent job especially considering the 3-hour timeframe, congratulations.

I’m stuck on level 6 for the moment, but I’ll give it another go after a coffee :)

Congrats on finishing and well done for submitting your game. Just look at all those encouraging comments! I hope you feel inspired to have another go at a game jam soon :)

Such a simple idea but it works so well! It took me a couple tries to win, I think you’ve nailed the difficulty level.


The only tiny issue I’ve encountered is that switching to full screen (latest Firefox, Windows 10) does not actually scale the game window, it stays the same size in the top left corner.